On Their Way to the U.N.

Friends, when I saw this frightening image the first thought that came into my mind was: here are some world leaders on their way to the U.N. to make speeches.

Of course, the people who attend the actual event will be transported in jets and will be dressed in expensive suits or dresses, will sport expensive aftershaves and perfumes and be adorned with gold watches and necklaces, will talk in sophisticated, flowery terms about things like peace and democracy and human rights and God and self-righteously accuse other leaders of terrible wrongs and evil.

But beneath the carefully cultivated facades, the reality of what some of the leaders are is mirrored in the savagery contained in the frightening image of Neanderthal men on the warpath.

These leaders, and we all know who they are, will attend the conference with their deceptive speeches carefully prepared while their minds are occupied with: further manipulating the floundering U.N. for their own ends; stimulating their economies by increasing armament manufacture and sales; creating wars which give them control over land and scarce resources belonging to others; forging alliances which assist their own strategic military and economic goals; and further consolidating their own political power at home. Hypocrisy and double-talk reigns supreme at the U.N.!

What a tragedy for the world that so many Neanderthal leaders still exist, still control the fate of our world.

Is human evolution caught in a time warp?

P.S. Which of the front three is George Bush? Or is he bringing up the rear with John Howard?