A Tale of Three Monkeys

The Simian Trio: "Who said we have not kept accounts?"

(November, 27, Sydney, Australia, Sri Lanka Guardian) The three monkeys refuted all charges against them about having not kept accounts for ten years and added that even the charge that some accounts books were reduced to cinders a little over a decade ago was foul and false.

We have our own account books but they are nobody’s business. We use them as convenient and comfortable cushions to perch on, relax and even babble, jabber and gibber among ourselves. If need be, we will burn or tear them or even eat them up for after all monkeys can eat up anything and paper in no exception.

As for the information they contain, it is all about funds that one of us collected with a lot of hard work, considerable travel and charming people into partaking with their savings, spare cash and even whatever they could not afford. They will certainly run into millions; perhaps billions. And that is our kind of expertise.

If people are prone to being cheated that is their fault and we are monkeys. We are always up to our tricks and we don’t care what happens to them.

If one of us amassed funds, mostly in dollars, another of us lavished other people’s funds among our friends and relatives because we received orders from our monkey boss in a far away land that whatever we do would be considered legal and appropriate.

The third of us enjoy the right to dispense dollars that are actually that of another and we are only fiduciaries. We don’t care whether what we are obliged to honour is met or not because we are a rule unto ourselves and we operate under Monkey Laws and they are infallible and ours is the Simian Kingdom.

And be informed: We hear no truth, speak no truth and see no truth.

by. Victor Karunairajan