14 more LTTE bodies to ICRC, SLAF bombs Parappakadaththan

Situation Report

(February 25, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian)
The Sri Lanka Air Force bombed the base of the LTTE Military Wing Leader for Parappakadaththan last morning. The base, situated around 5km north of Giant's Tank was accurately bombed, SLAF indicated. Exact damages to the target cannot be independently verified at present.

Meanwhile 14 dead bodies of Tigers are to be handed over to the ICRC today. All 14 bodies were of Tigers killed during SLA attacks in Weli Oya (Janakapura North and Andankulam).

6 of these bodies were recovered following clashes on the 23rd (Friday) while the other 8 were recovered after fighting on the 24th (Saturday) from the same area. These included 4 Tigers killed at Andankulam yesterday where 3 SLA were also injured. The bodies were brought to Anuradhapura Hospital morgue on Friday and Saturday. The ICRC has also been duly notified.

[- Defencewire]