Astrology, theology, war and God

Charms’ are another game played by astrologers and soothsayers. I would say these astrologers and soothsayers are simply playing with the lives of gullible people. I have done some research on charms and the way they affect people. People resort to ‘charming’ either because they want things to happen in their favour or want to harm another person and my research has revealed that charms do work within a certain time frame and when that period ends, leave behind some harmful effect.

by Quintas De Silva

(March 12, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) I refer to the numerous letters that appeared in the newspapers on the above subjects.

My research has revealed that believers in astrology, soothsaying, and charms are told to do many things to overcome certain bad influences resulting in exorbitant sums of money being spent purely through ignorance. Try consulting 10 different astrologers and you will get 10 different predictions. Which one are you going to believe and act upon?

It is simply a case of experimenting with each astrologer or soothsayer and the process continues. Even marriages are arranged on the advice of astrologers and yet many of them go on the rocks. Even politicians who come to power ‘to serve the people’ depend heavily on astrologers and find that all what the astrologer said was bunkum.

Can any renowned astrologer or soothsayer say for certain the exact time and date on which the ethnic war in the country will end?

‘Charms’ are another game played by astrologers and soothsayers. I would say these astrologers and soothsayers are simply playing with the lives of gullible people. I have done some research on charms and the way they affect people. People resort to ‘charming’ either because they want things to happen in their favour or want to harm another person and my research has revealed that charms do work within a certain time frame and when that period ends, leave behind some harmful effect.

It was also revealed, that a charm spins back on the very people who set it up to harm others and in many instances have driven the perpetrators insane and even brought death through suffering. I was made to understand that it is the evil spirits that have been engaged to bring misery to the other person that recoil on the perpetrator and bring misery on them, eventually.

I am a great respecter of science, and with great respect to scientists I beg for an answer from them on this issue. Can any one of them let us know how the brain set itself inside the head and controls thought memory and feeling? Without someone having set it right there and made it work how could one see with his eyes, hear with his ears and breathe through his nose and feel the difference in tastes with one's tongue? Could the different organs of the body have configured themselves so meticulously in their right places on their own, without somebody having made and set them up in the first instance?

God knew that there would be a tsunami on December 26, 2004. Through his word, God has set his commandments to be perfectly obeyed by everyone. Every problem and sorrow in our individual and national lives is directly caused by disobedience to one or more of the Commandments of God. God gave us life, freedom to choose right from wrong — and has blessed us with wisdom to follow his commandments. But we are proud and arrogantly disobey him.

There are no righteous and honest leaders to lead us. Therefore, we will continue to experience worse disasters in the days and years to follow. No other power on earth could help, protect or save us.

Men do not believe that God could give them -— individually and nationally — the material possessions that they need. Instead, they feel they must compete and fight to get these things.

Indeed, one of the most devastating indictments against war is that it breeds in whole populations the spirit of violence and murder. No wonder there is so much violence, crime, rape, adultery, bribery, lying, corruption, abductions, harassment, arrests and torture of innocent people.

All these add to the sufferings and miseries brought upon man by man alone and people irrespective of caste, race or religion have to face the consequences. It is therefore up to man to select his ways and get on with it and reap what he sows.

- Sri Lanka Guardian