Rat fever: Sri Lanka needs a `Pied piper’

(March 16, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) According to Deputy Director, General Health services, rat fever is on the rise in Sri Lanka based on year to year cases reported.

It is a well known fact that rats are the cause of this fever. In other words, more rats in Sri Lanka mean more likelihood of rat fever.

It is no doubt , since of late `rats` have increased in a magnitude as never before in Sri Lanka eating into the economy , into the pockets and wallets of the people -these are the ruling rats !
May be they are not cause of rat fever, but ,the dangers and devastation these `rats` are wreaking on the nation , country and economy are immeasurable and uncontrollable, because they are ruling the roost. - So, only a Pied Piper can control these rats. - Sri Lanka Guardian