Web media management needs greater regulations and international monitoring

US and EU must lead to regulate the industry

"The LTTE have tested and tried many web providers and have comfortably settled with one that provides absolute security from being subject to verification, investigation and clampdown for its abuse of the web service. Most of the LTTE and its front websites are registered with the US Arizona based Go-Daddy web provider."


by Verity Hoares

(March 09, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) Time is up for a settled approach to regulate the web media. With the information technology playing a dominant role to enhance the world of communication, knowledge and understanding; the downfalls resulting from its abuse has not been seriously and sincerely handled by the international community to strengthen accountability and democratic freedom.

Advancement of information technology has seen greater engagement of people crossing all the defined territorial boundaries. Internet exploring and email communication gave the opportunity of extensive knowledge to the people. The internet service helped the socio-religious-political-financial-sports world unbelievable access to facts and news and greater and tolerant engagement to strengthen greater awareness.

The downfalls of web management are seen in the web media management sector. Terror outfits and their fronts are abusing the facilities to inflict greater harm to individual freedom and espouse their terror campaign. Mushrooming terror media websites are serious threat to the society needing urgent and immediate resolution to regulate the industry.

There are many websites being managed by terror groups and persons subscribing to questionable modus operandi. Research carried out on some of the websites managed by Sri Lankans confirms infatuated objectives of the web managers. Some web providers have only given consideration to generating income for them through subscription fees and no consideration has been given to verify the facts presented to register websites. The internal procedures of some of the web providers are not user friendly for the victims and they tend to protect their subscribing client base and income generation for them.

The LTTE have tested and tried many web providers and have comfortably settled with one that provides absolute security from being subject to verification, investigation and clampdown for its abuse of the web service. Most of the LTTE and its front websites are registered with the US Arizona based Go-Daddy web provider. Websites namely nitharsanam.com, neruppu.org, Uktamilnews.com, tamileditors.com and many other host of websites are registered with the Go-daddy web provider.

The victims of these websites have the uphill task to seek justice. There are no proper internal procedures within the Go-Daddy to deal with complaints. When complaints are made, the response from Go-daddy will to recommend to the complainant to seek legal remedy for the abuse than objectively considering the complaint internally. Approaching the Go-daddy itself is a daunting task, and when this is done, the response one gets is negative and insensitive to victims traumatic experience.

These clandestine websites virtually carryout terror campaign against individuals they hate. The fascinating part is, searches done on registration details of these websites confirm clandestine nature of their operations. Search into now defunct nitharsanam.com revealed, the website was registered in the name of Ulakkaiyan – a mischievous name giving the meaning of an unintelligent person. The registrant address was based in Australia and it was a non existent address. When pressure was mounted on the nitharsanam.com through media publicity to expose their clandestine nature of operations, it moved its registrant details to a false address in the LTTE controlled Vanni in Sri Lanka. What this proves is that scant regard is given by the web providers to verify the bona fides of the registrants.

The web providers such as Go-daddy must be brought under greater scrutiny as they do not believe in self regulation to establish good practices. Greed is the proponent for websites like Go-daddy and until such time strict regulations are brought in, they are expected to go on the spree to undermine the core values needed to establish good practices.

Taking for instance, Go-daddy’s advice for the complainants to seek legal remedy against the websites confirms the utter impossibility of engineering that route. Can a victim in Sri Lanka seek legal remedy against the website or the web provider and whether Go-Daddy will accept a decision in a Court in Sri Lanka is not clearly spelt out by the web provider.

When an individual victim tries to take the police complaints route on the criminal nature of the websites, the situation becomes extremely difficult for the victims. A victim approached the local police, the Interpol, the FBI and even the police in the country the website is operated to seek redress but efforts became futile exercises and none of these agencies were prepared to entertain complaints.

It is time international governments introduce mechanisms to regulate this hopeless industry that have enjoyed the privileges of not being shadowed over their operational arrangements. Web providers must be made to maintain proper public registers for the websites registered with them and must be made to act on complaints responsibly. Registering websites must come under stringent rules and mechanisms must be found to bring greater accountability on the part of web providers. Anyone visiting the Go-daddy website will realise how daunting it is to find the link to make complaints against individual websites registered with them. The Go-daddy website is full of revenue generation publicity and help for the websites registered with them and complaint mechanism is non existent in their website.

- Sri Lanka Guardian