“Still panic situation in the East “- Rukman

(May 11, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Rukman Senanayake, UNP M.P. and Party President speaking to the Media, asserted that in places like Dehiattakandiya, there was hardly any polling because of the fear and panic created by the Govt. hooligans

In certain areas of voting, the Police arrested those who committed election law violations, but Govt. politicos intervened and got them arrested, only to allow them to commit more crimes and to cast more bogus votes.

If the Govt. has provided security to the people as it claims, how did such a big bomb explosion occur in the Town of Ampara? He asked.

Can the Govt .boast of liberation of the East when the LTTE is firing mortars and exploding bombs in the East even today? He questioned.
- Sri Lanka Guardian