The view point of the South!

- The Sudar Oli Editorial

(July 31, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Colombo is determined to pursue the war, since it is committed to the standpoint that the ethnic problem can be resolved through war. It believes in a military solution. Apart from the government, even the intelligentsia in the south seems to be holding the same view.

For that matter, let us view the views expressed by Rt.Rev.Oswald Gomis in his interview with the Vatican radio broadcast on his 75th birthday. The tone of his interview was that the war has reached a situation in which there can hardly be any chance to find peace through negotiations.

The war has escalated. There are many who today believe that the war was the only solution to the conflict because peace talks so far have not been successful and a war mentality is in vogue.

The belief of many today is first of all to crush the LTTE, if you want to have a peaceful solution, he is reported to have said.

Clearly the Archibishop is of the view that there are hardly any chances for a peaceful settlement. It is reported that he had said that one could only watch the development. He had also stated that those who fight the war against the State are different from Tamil civilians.

But, what is of significance is that the objectives of the LTTE and the Tamil people are the same. They all seek a solution that recognizes the legitimate aspirations of the Tamil people!

(An English translation of the Editorial in the Sudar Oli, a Tamil daily, based in Colombo)
- Sri Lanka Guardian