Outdated blood in hospitals

by Nazly Cassim

(October 08, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) It is despicable that the Minister of Health has been frantically attempting to cover up the scam of outdated blood being used in hospitals despite Sirasa TV having highlighted the issue several times.

The Minister, instead of commending Sirasa TV for having done an excellent job by detecting such an irregularity, has been trying to safeguard those involved in the scandal. This action speaks very badly of the Health Minister.

The Health Ministry now states that it has appointed an official to inquire into the usage of the outdated platelets throughout the hospitals in the country. It is doubtful whether this report will ever see the light of day or whether those responsible for it would be punished.

If the Minister was a prudent man he should have looked into the matter as soon as it was brought to his notice. He should not have been ashamed to accept the negligence, fault or corruption that prevailed in his Ministry if he were to keep his name clean.

Those who donate blood will hesitate to do so in the future if this despicable situation persists in the hospitals. In the past we have read in newspapers of large quantities of date expired blood being sent down the drain. I am sure those who donate blood will think twice in future before doing so, if the Health Ministry and the Minister are so callous about the plight of patients to save whose lives this blood is used.

Why did not those in the Health Ministry think of the plight of the patients receiving this outdated blood? Above all, why is the Health Minister so keen on covering up the matter?
- Sri Lanka Guardian