Where did Douglas and Karuna meet?

-Another farcical stunt of the government

by R Jayadevan

(October 06, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) Following the publication of the news in the Sri Lanka Guardian headlined Govt keeps a rough tab on the TMVP (dated September 27) concerted efforts were made by the government to undermine the revelations about its involvement to undermine the proper delegated functioning of the Eastern Provincial Council.

The government hurriedly arranged a photographic meeting between Minister Douglas Devananda and the TMVP leader Vinayagamoorthy Mooralitharan known as Karuna. The shenanigans of the photographic display of the meeting were taken up by the Sri Lanka Guardian under the heading: ‘Another spin of the spin doctors’ (on Tue 30/09/2008).

Despite these revelations about the spins involved in the photographic melodrama, the government went on to publish another news in the Sri Lanka Guardian Why Karuna Meets Devananda ? (datelined 3/10/2008). In that the government propaganda machinery attempted to respond to the questions raised in the previous news.

The following pictorial presentation will confirm, the extent the Defence Ministry and possibly the Army Chief Lt Gen Sarath Fonseka were involved in the campaign to down play the worrying story that the government is not implementing the devolution properly under the 13th amendment to the Eastern Provincial Council.

Both leaders with their gleaning teeth are presenting themselves for the government photographers. They stand in front of nicely set curtain. There is no independent media present.

This is the picture published with the story Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka and Sir Ian Warwick Blair in the Sri Lanka Guardian (datelined 4/10/2008). Lt Gen Sarath Fonseka is standing in front of the very same curtain.

This is the photograph of the Defence Secretary Gothabaya Rajapakse. Isn’t it the very same curtain?

Lt Gen Sarath Fonseka with his wife and children. Though the colour of the curtain is greenish, could the distortion is due to lighting in the room or these are the standard curtains used in the Defense establishment?

Will anyone in the photographic session of Douglas and Karuna tell us the true story where the controversial photograph was taken?

Will Douglas or Karuna say why a private meeting outside the government establishment was not held to forge the said working relationship between the duo? Why didn’t they hold the meeting outside the Defense Ministry office?
- Sri Lanka Guardian