Ban Wahabi movements in Sri Lanka!

By Mohammed Mahdi

(August 06, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Many non-Muslims and even Muslims are amazed by the recent clashes in Beruwela where a mosque was burnt, 2 Muslims killed and some 40 Muslims injured many Muslims and non Muslims are also not aware of the root cause although various reports have been published in the media after the incident.

The root cause started in Najd, Saudi Arabia as far back as in the 18th century when Mohammed Abdul Wahab interpreted differently from the traditional Sunni Islam practised by the majority of the Muslims of the whole world. The learned Alims and scholars of the day condemned Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab as a heretic and a deviant because his interpretation in many matters ran counter to the traditional accepted beliefs of the Muslims.

Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab some how got the support of ruling monarchs of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia to support him to implement his interpretation of Islam. In fact the state ideology of Saudi Arabia became Wahabism. The followers of Mohammad Ibn Abdul Wahab with the support of the Al –Saud family spread their heretical tenets not through knowledge but through, killing burning and unthinkable cruelty towards those who refused to accept their version of Islam.

This same Al-Saud family which occupied the Hijaz (now Saudi Arabia) in implementing Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab’s version of Islam has in the course of years systematically destroyed the Muslim heritage of Hijaz. They gradually destroyed several holy shrines, including historical places of Islam from the Prophet’s (s) house in Mecca and companion Ayoob Ansari’s house in Medina and turned them into apartments blocks and hotels.

They have started changing traditional names of places. A street in Mecca is named “ Shahr Abi Lahab”. Abi Lahab though an uncle of the Prophet Mohammed (s) remained a bitter enemy of the Prophet (s) and died a pagan. A surah in the Holy Quran shows that he and his wife were cursed by God. The very name Saudi Arabia is changed from the original name Hijaz.

The dilapidated state of the Jannat-Al-Baqi cemetery in Medina reflects the stunning disregard of the Saudis for the noble companions and members of the Prophet’s family who are buried there. In there desire for modernisation and westernisation the Saudis want to turn the whole of Hijaz into a cheap replica of Houston or New York with all their attendant vice and crime.

The British at that time used the followers of the heretic and deviant Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab in the holy land of Hijaz to bring about the downfall of the Uthman Khillafath of Turkey and ever since, the Saudi clan always supports Britain and her allies even if it works to the detriment of the majority Sunnath-wal-jamath Muslims. That explains why even today US troops are with impunity stationed in the holy land much to the disgust of all Muslims world-wide. From the beginning of the 18th century in Saudi Arabi the followers of Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab left a trial of murder, pillage, cruelty, burning and death in attempting to spread their interpretation of Islam. This Saudi Wahabi ideology of Islam reached Sri Lanka in the 1940s, but was not accepted by the Sunni Muslims, however with the increased funding by the Saudis presently, Wahabi followers have increased and are now responsible for the sectarian clashes that are slowly increasing among the Muslims of this island.

Two, disgusting priorities that the followers of Mohammad Ibn Abdul Wahab implement are to ban the celebration of the Prophet Mohammed’s (s) birthday and the destruction of shrines of the Imams, companions of the Prophet (s) and the saints.

They originally did this in the Hijaz now with their petro-dollars they are instigating their followers in other Muslim countries and minority Muslim countries to destroy shrines and even religious symbols of non-Muslims too. The destruction of the Bamiyan Budhist statues is a case in point. With the growth of oil wealth in Saudi Arabia, the Saudis pretending to be the leaders of the Muslims are now promoting their Wahabi ideology in other Muslim countries world wide. The result has been the birth of Taliban, Al-Qaeeda and the Salafi groups who are killing Sunni and Shia Muslims alike in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The whole exercise is overseen by the C.I.A and Mossad who want to destabilise countries that are not friendly to the US, and Israel. The Saudi monarchy depends on the US for its security and hence the regime always obeys US orders. US and European subterfuge to destabilise Sri Lanka, by surreptitiously supporting the L.T.T.E failed and hence now the US will promote Muslim fundamentalism to cause strife and trouble to destabilise our island using, the Saudi state ideology of Wahabism. Wahabism is a toxic mixture that is explosive which will cause unending strife and misery.

The Taliban, Al –Qaeeda and the Salafi movement are all Wahhabi followers. They have caused untold misery in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Sri Lanka appears to be their next target. The government must take strict measures to control this Wahhabi movement and ban them. The overwhelming Sunni Muslims of the island will extend their support to the government in this exercise. The Rajapakse government must not be lethargic on this matter, the Wahabi followers are even capable of starting communal riots between the peaceful majority Sinhalese people and the Muslims.
-Sri Lanka Guardian
Unknown said...

Thanks Mahdi for enlighting me on this, I'm sure many non muslims were blissfully unaware of these facts. However, something that eludes me in this, then why is the Al Qaeda against the Saudi Government ?

zamaan said...

One sided article. Author Must a be belong to the sufi sect (grave wershipers). I have one question which is the same question asked in the previous comment.

Why saudi govenment (100% wahabi) against jihad?

Also remember, as stated if wahabi gorups band here, then i am sure saudi will take a strong action against sri lankan govenment. Not that easy.

anyway sufism is sucking day by day and people continue to undestand what sufi's doing is the most hated crime 'shirk' in islam.

so stop this faults propaganda.

acid said...

Thanks for the History of Wahabism! Even Taliban and Salafi's pretending to be against Saudi, but a majority of their funding is from Saudi Arabia!

This false enemity between Saudi and the Taliban isn't fooling anyone!