The US cannot do a damn thing

By Saybhan Samat

(January 21, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) The saga of the Iranian nuclear enrichment issue which Iran claims is for peaceful purpose it appears will continue and never end. The main players in this drama which the whole world is watching are the US, the Zionist regime of Israel and the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Western backed main stream media is presenting the drama as a US whose patience with Iran is “running out” and who from time to time waves the threat of additional crippling, tough sanctions. To maintain Israel national interests the US Congress a month ago on December 15th approved penalties for firms selling refined gasoline to Iran and insurance companies under writing such sale. Not to appear as an automatic rubber stamp for Israel the US Senate’s Foreign Relation Committee said it “needs to consider the bill.”

This statement by the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee only validates the truth that the US is helpless and will not act, although its threats are verbose that it will stage a military attack either single-handed or together with Israel. Friendly independent Islamic Iran has brushed aside all these threats by the US as empty rhetorics and has vowed that it will retaliate firmly in the event of any attack.

Iran’s firm resolve to defend itself has caused the American Congress and its committees to have second thoughts about ramming themselves into a policy that is still bleeding from war-making in Iraq and Afghanistan to defend the Israel national interest and obtain oil for themselves.

Two days later (December 17th, 2009) the Pentagon – the US Department of War-announced a six month delay in deploying the precision guided, 30.000 pound massive Ordinance Penetrator or “bunker –buster” bombs. This bomb has been specially designed to destroy the nuclear facilities of Iran and North Korea.

The reason for this is we are told by the main-stream mass media is that the US government does not have funds, and thus the schedule for production of these Iran intended bombs is delayed until the end of 2010. Several months ago, the US Air Force said that the 15 ton bomb for delivery by B-2 Stealth bombers had been funded and would be ready for deployment in July 2010.

What in fact has actually occurred is that Islamic Iran has indirectly caused the US economy to begin to show signs of failure as it is no longer able to feed the military demands at the Pentagon on schedule. The US military adventure in Iraq and Afghanistan has not only bled the servicemen but also the US treasury. The Afghanistan and Iraq military wounds are now hemorrhaging the US budget and currency.

The Zionists frequent visit in and out of Washington has its finger prints on all US policies in the Islamic East. Political observers and commentators noticed how unsettled Washington was and how unnerved Tel-Aviv is when Iran launched an improved Sejjil-2 missile. It is said that this Iranian breakthrough in missile technology is capable of penetrating US and Israeli anti-missile defense shields and defying their interceptors. It is also said that the Sejjil-2 is teeming with electronic chips used as decoys to mislead the electronic systems of the Israeli Arrow-2 and the US Patriot, Aegis and THAAD anti-missile systems.

Israel is now gripped by a phobic neurosis as Iran takes major strides in military technology. Further Iran is the human dynamo and power station of the two Islamic groups Hizbullah and Hamas the two regional adversaries and antagonists of the Israel war machine. What must be going through the minds of the Israelis, who no longer can relay on Turkey which has now titled towards Iran? Israel generals and officials are at their wits end. They recently watched the result of what they say is an “Iranian cyber-army” that hacked the Twitter and filled its home page with anti US slogans. In fact the Israeli press reported this.

The choices that appear in the Israel-American horizon to stop Islamic self-determination in Iran now are: mobilization of all imperialistic –Zionist global super-structure to bring Russia and China in line with the grand plan of placing the most restrictive economic measures upon sovereign Iran.

Another alternative in the Israel arrangement of US foreign policy decisions is the ballyhooed option of either an American blessing for an Israel go-it-alone military strike or a joint US-Israel attack on Iran. Should the Obama administration carry out such Israel orders, all hell will break loose. The US for Israel’s eyes only has been paying with blood and treasury in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Anti Americanism is an all time high among all Muslims world-wide. If Obama’s officials toe the Israel line into war with Iran one can kiss all US and most Western companies, corporations and capitalist interests in Africa and Asia good-bye.

It seems that the US and Israel are facing a challenge that they have never ever in their history faced. There is a pathological apathy among officials in both Israel and the US, only empty threats of military attacks veil the apathy and fear in the hearts of the ruling classes of both countries. This whole saga has in fact exposed the limits of their power and as Imam Khomeini (RA) once said “the US cannot do a damn thing.”