Deputy Minister’s act of barbarism

by Dr. Rifai from London

(August 04, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) It is very sad to read that Mr Mervyn Silva Deputy minister has tied a civil servant into a tree in kalaniya electorate. This incident can be interpreted in many ways. First of all, our politician should learn and know how to behave themselves and they have been elected by people for people and it is people who elect them to service the country and they should not take laws into their hands. It is pity and reckless behaviour of this deputy minister in this manner. Whatever mistake this civil servant has done this issue should be dealt with in court of law in legal pursuit not in a barbaric way as minster acted. This civil servant is responsible and accountable to his superior or to his AGA/ GA and they should take proper legal or precautionary action for the professional blunder of this alleged negligence. This deputy minister not only disgraced this accused civil servant but also he brings shame to all politicians.

Once Srilankan politicians were described as highly respected and educated professional politicians now a few of them well known for their anti-social behaviours and brutality. This ruthless behaviour of this minister should be condemned by all civil servants and president should take disciplinary actions against this minister and he should be expelled from parliament or otherwise, forced to resign from this ministerial post. Every human being is born in this world with human dignity and No one has right to take away this dignity: This barbaric action is fundamental human right violation and if this has taken place in a western country, this politician not only will lose his job but he will be imprisoned for this behaviour. How could this civil servant once again come to work and how could he face this community and his people and how dare this minster to inflict disgrace to human dignity and animals are not treated like this in our modern world and how dare this minister to do this to human being in civil service. Where are human rights organizations in Srilanka and why do not they speak out against this injustice and it is duty of all journalists to wake up against this injustice and it is the duty of all our politicians to debate about this in the parliament and teach this minister a lesson and teach him how to behave in public.

This is a wakeup call to civil servants and public to teach our good lessons to our politicians and our politicians beg to get votes during the elections and once they are elected they forget all their past and behave like kings and they do not realised that they have been elected to serve people not to milk public money. This is one of the cases that has been brought to public attention through media publicity and there may be hundreds of unreported political intimidation and bullying in srilanka. Now we live in a modern global village and Srilankan public do not need to scare of political revenge and hooliganism. They should come up and speak up and people in kalaniya electorate should think twice before voting this politician once again.

I know well that some civil servants in Srilanka and in all third world countries do not perform their public duties well in professional ways: They draw monthly salaries from their jobs and yet they do not deliver and do not sometime work with duty consciousness and consequently Governments in these third world countries lose huge amount money and gain less productivity in public sectors. Sometimes our public institutions and departments do not have hardworking leaderships and directorship and consequently junior staffs and minor staff take advantage in the weakness of their superiors and in this case this particular official should have taken official leave from his boss to look after his sick child and deputy minister should have correctly been informed about his official leave and had the deputy minister officially been informed he would not have taken this action and yet, this behaviour is not justified at all whether this civil servant is on official leave or not. This minister’s action is inhuman and this minster should be brought into court of law and justice should be served in this case so that Srilankan politicians and public servants learn a good lesson out of this case. I hope that judges are brave enough in Srilanka to deliver justice.