by M.L.A.N Ismail & Harshi C. Perera
(November 12, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Samarsinghege Sugath Pushpakumara is a 34 year's old married driver. He is a father of two children. He describes the way how he was illegally arrested and tortured by the Beruwala police.
He is the driver of a Toyota van bearing number 56-5246, which is used for private hire.
On 01.11.2010 around 11.00 in the morning the SI Udayanga attached to the crime Brach of Beruwala police came and asked whether he could hire the van to go to Ratnapura. So Sugath agreed to go with him. Then the policeman asked how much would be cost of the journey. Then he told normally it would cost Rs.6500/=, but he would charge only Rs.5500/= because of the police. After that the policeman got into the van.
The policeman asked him to drive to the police station. He took the van to the police station. He was ordered to take it in front of the official bungalow of the OIC. He quickly got off from the van and opened the front door. He dragged Sugath out of the van. He held him on the wall and hit on his face twice.
After that the policeman took him to the upstairs of the police station, blaming that he was engaged in thefts with a man called Lara when he escaped from the prison. The policeman forced him to take off his t-shirt and ordered to lie on a bed looking upward. He brought Sugath's hands back, tied with a rope, also covered and tided his eyes using a towel.
Then this policeman told someone there, that he would kill Sugath or fabricate charges against him of possessing a bomb. He also mentioned that he had the ability to kill him because he has been already killed ten to fifteen people.

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