UN Protecting Sri Lanka’s Chief Justice

| by Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

 ( November 15, 2012, Melbourne, Sri Lanka Guardian) On the issue of Judicial Powers, Sri Lanka Guardian’s article ‘Inside Story: Let's Impeach The President’ seemed to take a legal approach on the basis of the Provisions within  the Sri Lankan Constitution. The latter to my mind, is the more appropriate path for independent Sri Lankans. Those who depended on the UN  are likely to feel like the Tamils are feeling now – that the UN has let them down. Murugathas who set himself of fire in front of the UN gave up his life to drive home this message. To me this action of Murugathas happened because his expectations of the UN were not fulfilled – even though Tamils seemed to have deserved global assistance headed  by the UN.

As per latest investigations into the internal workings of the UN,   the UN Secretary General is reported to have stated "The report concludes that the United Nations system failed to meet its responsibilities. This finding has profound implications for our work across the world, and I am determined that the United Nations draws the appropriate lessons and does its utmost to earn the confidence of the world's people, especially those caught in conflict who look to the organization for help".

We  have at the one time -  two publications from the UN – one an opinion by an expert reporting as per Key Performance Indicator – that the Sri Lankan Government’s Management was far below Industry standards. The other by the UN Management which effectively blames the Sri Lankan Government for not being global enough in its management of the ethnic issue. As per the UN report on its internal workings,  one could conclude that the UN lacked the courage to discipline the Government of Sri Lanka and thus did not deserve the respect of ordinary citizens on the basis that it was a global Government. If we, the Tamil Community had educated Murugathas – we would have saved his life. UN is also now confessing to being human. To the extent we have  invested in global values our returns would come whenever we need them. If we insist on getting them through a particular system  - then we are limiting ourselves to that system with all its weaknesses. Any administrative action in 2009, by the UN in this regard, would have come with UN’s weaknesses. One who prays every day would naturally invoke true service when needed. Hence I believe that we must keep investing in global values through everyday activities. The returns will come whenever we need them.

Like the UN, the Tamil Community is also trying to restructure itself and its global network. Yesterday,  a Tamil Diaspora leader wrote in relation to the above UN  report on its own Administration  ‘Now, Gordon Weiss's role is also being exposed’.

If we stay within our limits – time will tell. As per Hindu ethics known to me and practiced by me – we must not use knowledge  through one position to derive value from another. Like bodies – these positions also die. We must take with us only the essence of our experience with us into the next position. This is essential realizing real value of  migration to another country. Experience converts knowledge into wisdom. Knowledge through a UN position should not be used directly in a Sri Lankan environment. If we so use – we are invading someone else’s territory/home.  Those who experienced the pain of the 2009 tragedy – have the right to share/use to that extent. Others have to operate within the boundaries of their official positions and institutions through which the victims related to them.  If they use it outside those limits – the effects  will go towards their own individual karma – for better if they knowingly lose more than they expect to gain from such use and for worse – if they expect a profit from using such knowledge.

Recently when I said to a Tamil elder ‘I am happy to receive your blessings, (Aaseervaatham in Tamil) that writer said ‘Aasee’ (blessings) for you and ‘Vaatham’ (arthritis) for me’. That brought to my mind, the stand taken by the officials in the great war at Gurushethram (in the Indian epic Mahabharatham) during which we received the Bhagawath Geetha – the Hindu Bible.  The war to my mind was between selfish leaders in high positions and the real leaders who followed Righteousness at National / Global level in difficult times also. In that battle – the blessings of the Gurus and the Family elders were with the minority. The Gurus and Elders themselves fought on the side of majority who were officially in power. They considered it their duty to do so due to their official positions – even though they expected to get defeated due to Krishna – Lord on earth being with the minority.  This ought to have happened with Sri Lankan leaders -  in relation to those known to have truly fought against the unrighteousness within the Sri Lankan Administration.

The current problems did not begin after the 2009 Battle of Vanni. They were very much part of the natural urges that pushed the Sri Lankan Government to act as it did but without first separating the ordinary citizen from the LTTE rebels. Those who felt hurt when the innocent civilian was hurt – knew back then itself  that the actions were strongly influenced by unrighteousness.  Those who are now writing because their own judiciary have been hurt – did not write back then when we needed it most.  Most of them remained silent – accepting UN’s proscription of the LTTE as being gospel. The effects of it on the Tamil community as a whole was not considered. Then itself – UN divided Sri Lanka. LTTE was not a project to be separated from the community. They were the manifestation of an ongoing program in the minds of Tamils.

 The current outburst in favor of the judiciary confirms that these Sri Lankan leaders feel more for their own ethnic  groups than for the whole of Sri Lanka. Likewise, the UN Administration for its own class.  They may ‘think’ globally but that is based on knowledge and not on wisdom. Only feelers have the power to influence naturally the manifestation of Truth which has Universal powers.  I do believe that my own experiences here in Australia helped me connect to the real victims of this war. All those who did not make this connection have much homework to do before they go global with mere  knowledge.

All those who remained silent when the claim of ‘sovereignty’ was used to block out the world while fellow Sri Lankans were being brought into the custody of armed forces – are as guilty as the UN in having failed their own people. If even one Tamil leader who has truly earned the parallel of their position or above hurt/s due to these actions, feels for these victims,  these leaders who condoned the Government – actively or by remaining silent – they have earned for their natural side – the return karma. This I believe is why the Judiciary is now suffering due to the weaknesses within the political system of Sri Lanka. Similarly, to the extent the UN proscribed the LTTE for its own selfish purposes – it earned the current exposure of its own weaknesses. To the extent the UN accepts  its weaknesses – its internal remedy has already begun.