May Day

International Worker's Day or May Day is observed all over the World on 1st May for more than a century.

by Pradip Kumar Dutta

Mayday mayday mayday. I suppose all of us know that this word transmitted thrice in succession through radio signals raises the highest alarm in maritime transportation internationally. We find in use another commonly used short form SOS or save our ship when some ship is in a disastrous condition. When this SOS call from a maritime vessel is received, every vessel plying in the nearby waters or land installation which may offer help is supposed to rush for emergency support and indulge in rescue operations.

    But today we are not going to talk much about mayday or SOS call from a ship. We would rather concentrate on a subject of much greater dimensions. Yes,I am referring to a different May Day which is also named as Labour Day, International Labour Day or International Worker's Day. This Day is observed across the globe with different perspectives and in different magnitude in different countries. Until about thirty years from now,the world was bi polar. On one pole there was Capitalism and the United States of America was in the helms of affairs of that group of countries and Nations. The other was the Socialist Bloc of countries led by USSR. A sub group in the Socialist world also was developing having PR China as their leader. The Socialist and Communist countries were staunch supporters of the rights of the workers and peasants all over the world. There also was a group called Third World countries who tried to form a loose alliance,namely Non Aligned Movement. This group tried to remain non committed to any of the main two poles. The Socialist Block being champions of rights of the working class were the backbone of source of support for the Peasant's and Worker's movement anywhere in the world. With the dissolution of the USSR and subsequent transformation of China into a country accepting development of capitalism built into their political Communist system,the Socialist Bloc is no more in existence. So,the working class of a country has no external support. They have to fight for their rights themselves,though they get sympathy of worker's organisations of other countries. In some cases,the International Labour Organisation,a UN body formed to look after the interest of the working class also come forward to render support. But it is not strong enough a support as the support from the Socialist and Communist Bloc that the Working class used to have. So,they are in a mayday situation. The Working Class of all the countries need to support each other building strong unity amongst themselves and make the Capitalists more accountable for establishing Worker's rights. The political leadership of respective countries also should be approached regularly so that they monitor their economic system in such a manner that the rights of the Working class are not violated. In the international level,ILO should be more pro active,approachable to the working class and able to dispense quick,if not immediate, remedies or redresses.

     International Worker's Day or May Day is observed all over the World on 1st May for more than a century. The reason for choosing this date is the fact that since long the day has been regarded as a festive day as the beginning of spring season in the Northern Hemisphere.A more prominent reason is to remember and celebrate the supreme sacrifice of Workers in the Hay market massacre in Chicago. In 1886 the American Federation of Labour called for a nationwide strike for achieving 8 hours working day for all workers. Earlier to that,there were no legal barriers for the Capitalist employers as regards the working hours of their workers. Since many years the Worker's representatives demanded fixation of 8 hours each for work, recreation and rest dividing the 24hours of the day into three equal portions. The demands were not agreed to and consequently the strike and demonstrations continued. On the 4th day of the movement,the workers were met with bullets by the policemen. The damages were colossal. 45 lives were lost. The Second International of the Socialists and Communists was formed in 1889. From there voices were raised to observe the age old day of Spring celebrations as the International Labour Day. It started being observed. Finally in 1904 the sixth Congress of the Second  Marxist International of Socialists and Communists in Paris called on all the Social Democratic Parties,Trade Unions and activists sympathetic to the cause of the working class all over the world to observe the May Day. The purpose of the day was to establish 8 hours working day, to make the working class aware of their proletariat class exploitation and to pledge them support to achieve an exploitation free world. Another important aim was to achieve Universal Peace. The observance of the day was designed by holding huge rallies,parades and marches for emancipation of the Working class demands. Awareness building activities,feasts and festive celebrations are also on the agenda. The International Workers Day has since then become a symbol of unity of the working class of the world and May Day is celebrated everywhere. In more than half of the world's 200plus counties it is a public holiday and the governments also express solidarity with the working class. In some countries however,a a different date is designated as Labour Day. USA,Canada and Australia are amongst those countries.

They have been observing Labour Day on other dates to suit local historical events of Worker's movement. As an example, we can recall here the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh causing death of about 1500 garment workers in 2014. Garments Trade Unions in Bangladesh has been raising the issue of declaration of 24 April as International Labour Safety Day, to show respect to the victims of that sad incident that could happen due to lax safety measures. They have some International support to their demand as well.

May Day still remains pertinent as the International Workers Day to establish the just rights of the working class. In many countries of the world the Labour laws are in place to look after the Worker's interest and significant progress has been made in this respect. But many other countries still have a long way to go.  Karl Marx and Frederic Engels have spelt in their epoch making masterpiece The Communist Menifesto: Proletariat of the world,unite and go forth. You have nothing but your shackles to lose. But the whole world is there for you to conquer. The working classes of the world should remain ever vigilant and through their international solidarity of Trade Unions and steadfast struggle and movements they will be able to reach their goal of establishing their rights. At the same time,the leaders of Labour movements should remain watchful that their movements remain law abiding. They should prevent infiltration of anarchists into their ranks. That frustrates the very purpose of the Working class struggle for achieving their goals.

Long live May Day!

Long live Solidarity of the Working class of the world!

Let Unity and Peace prevail in the world.