Breaking: How Scientific Results Confirm Sarah Jasmine’s Death, Amidst Political Controversy

The turning point in this ongoing saga occurred on April 27, 2022, with a third and conclusive DNA test. A total of 83 samples, covering all bodies and remains at the blast site, were meticulously collected and subjected to rigorous DNA analysis.

by Special Correspodent 

In a significant scientific breakthrough, the identity of Sarah Jasmine, also known as Pulastini Mahendran, a controversial figure in Easter Sunday bombings by a group of fanatics including her husband,  has been firmly established through DNA testing, dispelling years of uncertainty. This achievement, however, is overshadowed by the ongoing political controversy surrounding the case, as some parties seek to exploit the situation for ulterior motives.

Sara Jasmine ( File Photos)

The Sainthamaruthu attack, marked by the detonation of several high-powered bombs, left a trail of destruction and rendered most of the victims’ remains unrecognizable, prompting the need for rigorous DNA analysis to confirm identities.

According to reliable sources, Hadiya, the wife of Zahran, has reaffirmed that Sarah Jasmine was indeed wearing a suicide vest during the Sainthamaruthu attack. She revealed that Sarah Jasmine had extended an invitation to her to join in the attempt to avoid capture by law enforcement agencies. Additionally, Hadiya disclosed that she remained unconscious for an extended period following the explosion, regaining consciousness only when her daughter urgently requested water.

However, the core of the controversy lies in the DNA testing process, which has faced numerous challenges and raised questions about the veracity of the investigation results. Initially, 06 adult bodies, 04 adult corpses with destroyed parts, and 26 blood samples from 06 children, all victims of the Sainthamaruthu attack, underwent autopsy on May 2, 2019. Curiously, samples from the remaining remains were never collected.

“Complicating the matter, 11 blood samples sent to the taste inspector’s office were found to be spoiled. Consequently, on June 07, 2019, 11 fresh samples were extracted from body parts related to the spoiled ones, leading to a second round of examinations,” sources added.

The turning point in this ongoing saga occurred on April 27, 2022, with a third and conclusive DNA test. A total of 83 samples, covering all bodies and remains at the blast site, were meticulously collected and subjected to rigorous DNA analysis. The primary objective was to compare the DNA samples of Sarah Jasmine with her mother’s.

Crucially, this process unfolded under the strict supervision of the Magistrate, Forensic Doctor, Taste Inspector, and other relevant authorities, following a direct order from the Magistrate. The scientific results provide irrefutable confirmation of Sarah Jasmine’s identity, putting an end to the mystery that has lingered for far too long.

According to the sources in the Department of Government Analyst, “Despite this scientific clarity, it is regrettable that the issue has been dragged into the realm of politics, where various parties are using it to advance their hidden agendas.” Therefore, the public is urged to focus on the scientific evidence and the closure it brings, rather than allowing political controversies to cloud the truth.