Beware of Pedophiles

Anything for a bogus doctorate

Hollansi Man: The PhD for Accounts No-Show is conditional; our staff must have access to the children

Dr Jey: No problems, Sir; good as granted.

A grave danger our children in need – orphans, war-ravaged otherwise affected - face is the access certain undesirables have to them especially some types of overseas “do-gooder” visitors and those from highly suspect non-governmental organizations. Sri Lanka has the notorious and infamous reputation as one of the top and much sought after destinations of European pedophiles. When such characters are helped by the locals who are involved working with children, widows and civil war replaced for the main reason of making shekels for themselves under that pretext, our vulnerable children are exposed to great risks. It is time the State authorities moved in especially of the Inland Revenue and demand, in the first place how accounts are being maintained and also whether the “do-gooder” visitors with access to the children are properly screened.