Why Can't We Change Our World?

(December, 09, New Delhi, Sri Lanka Guardian) Friends, this peaceful photo shows a flock of sheep grazing contentedly together. We humans do not expect much from these creatures because, well, let's face it, they are dumb herd animals while we are the most intelligent species in the world.

Sheep eat, they sleep, they procreate, they give up their wool, then, eventually, they die. We can and do control their lives completely, organize their breeding mechanics, push them from paddock to paddock, take their wool when we want, send them to the slaughterhouse when we want. We control their world completely. But, sadly, we can't control our own!

The bulk of humans, just like dumb sheep, are manipulated and controlled from birth to death by small groups of powerful people who use religion, politics and wealth as shepherd's crooks.

After ten thousand years of civilization and education and deep thought we, the most intelligent creatures in the world, still can't stop wars from being fought over land and scarce resources like oil. As well, we are continuing to pollute the air, the water and the soil which we rely on for life and we are experimenting with G.M. food without knowing what the longterm implications are.

Carelessly, we have created a global environment whereby climate change could destroy our world in the not too distant future. We have created fearsome weapons that only deranged monsters could dream up and, daily, politicians threaten to use them. We have societies where there is child abuse and neglect, rape and murder, mass shootings, crime and corruption, sexual deviation, drug addiction...and on and on it goes.

Of course there are voices urging change but such people are largely ignored or attacked by the masses who are far too busy planning how to get a wide-screen television or the latest 4WD or thinking up reasons why nothing should be changed.

Next time you see sheep in a paddock realize that you are looking into a mirror. The main difference is that sheep are much nicer, far less destructive and malevolent.