President to be impeached over CC appointment procrastination!

(March 25, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Elmore Perera, a Senior Lawyer and President of the OPA said, that a resolution is to be passed at its Special General meeting (SGM) on April 8th calling all political parties in Parliament to impeach President Rajapakse for his failure to appoint the Constitutional Council as stipulated in the Constitution.. The consensus of 42 professional bodies coming under the OPA is expected.

OPA forum member, R.M.B. Senanayake , who is to propose the resolution said, a formal resolution in this connexion is on the cards urging all politicians to bury their sectarian interests and act towards upholding the constitution which oath they have sworn to follow.

Perera was very optimistic that their struggle will bear fruits as a number of political parties have agreed to throw their weight with them. Indeed, one leading political party is prepared to carry forward this struggle in and outside Parliament to compel the President to do the right thing, he added.

OPA President is so determined that he went on to say that the President Mahinda Rajapakse has no power to make appointments directly to independent Commissions, and that he would resign if he failed to pass the resolution on April 08th.

A second resolution to be tabled at the 08th meeting by Senanayake will underline the responsibility on them as patriots and the urgent action needed to save the country and the future of the children from being ruined day by day. “As politicians are the culprits for this sorry state, it is our duty to demonstrate our displeasure”, he asserted.

- Sri Lanka Guardian
Anonymous said...

If R.M.B. Senanayake is the person who contributed to Lanka Academic, a person supporting unethical religious conversions in Sri Lanka specially by evangelicals.

Therefore he is unable to pursue a Sri Lankan national interest without a bias and therefore not a patriot of the land.