LTTE’s British Tamil Forum (BTF) moves to stifle Tamil business

(April 15, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) The British Tamil Forum’s (BTF) Mr Bose has published an advertisement in the LTTE printed media demanding Tamil businesses in the overseas to join its newly formed traders association. The Eastham based LTTE activist Bose who runs a real estate agency business has invited the Tamil businesses to join the new forum. Bose was one time a fund raiser of the LTTE and in the last major fund raising titled ‘the final war’ he had personally given £50,000 to the LTTE.

In a carefully worded ten point plan published in the LTTE media ‘Kalai Kathir’, Bose states the objective of setting up a collective forum is to ‘extend help to develop businesses in our motherland’.

The advertisement disclose the mobile phone number (07956 150 580) of Bose without confirming any operating address. - Sri Lanka Guardian