The Dayapuram Kids

by Victor Karunairajan

(May 06, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian)

(A focus on a unique school in Kerala, India by our Consulting Editor who will be shortly presenting a 5-month environmental programme for students from Grade Three to Twelve.)

Muslim, Hindu and Christian kids
A thousand five hundred of them,
They are the Dayapuram children
Students of a unique school,
Two decades and three years old
In Calicut in the State of Kerala

Founded by a committed trust
To serve the needy and orphans
Not in cocooned circumstances
But integrated in the community
As part of the mainstream society
In which all children are special.

A dream of dedicated visionaries
Unfolded as Dayapuram’s ideals
A pioneer in the educational field
Pursing values ethical and moral
Spiritual and loyal citizenship
And devoted to such worthy cause.

Tomorrow’s leaders they are
Of a nation on the march
Emerging from a colonial blight
Rediscovering its glorious past
Inlaid in the mighty monument
The Indus Valley Civilization
- Sri Lanka Guardian

Anonymous said...

It is great that children of all religious persuasions/traditions are taken good care of under one roof. This is the real fabric of Asian society. Plurality being appreciated in this way is commended. Cheers to the Trustees who are mindful of the significance of the ability of children. Keep up the good work.