Globalization exacerbates gap between rich and poor

by Saybhan Samat

(September 13, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Globalization- Much has been written and spoken about this phenomenon for more than a score of years. While some support globalization others say that globalization must not be allowed free play but subject to restrictions. In a literal sense it is understood that globalization is the process of transformation of local or regional entities or phenomena into global ones. It can be used to describe a process by which people of the world are unified into a single society and function together. This process is a combination of economic, technological, socio-cultural and political forces joining together.

Globalization in its ideal form will be when it is directed to the needs and concerns of the ordinary people, not investors, financial institutions and other sectors of power with the interest of the people incidental or marginal. There are four approaches to the process of globalization. On one extreme of the spectrum there are advocates of globalization who consider it a unique opportunity for the entire mankind to integrate in a single cultural, social, economic and political system, preparing the grounds for internalization of a global village.

On the other side of the spectrum there are the opponents of globalization who have gone to the extreme of calling it the

"Coca-colonization" of the world, the "cultural invasion" the "highest stage of capitalism," etc. Yet there are others who have chosen the middle path: they argue that globalization as a process is positive and natural, but they do not approve of the term globalization, rather prefer to term it the process of of globalism. They too argue that globalization is a project not a process, master-minded by capitalists and imperialists to unify all the cultures, norms, values and customs, undermining the religions, national, ethnic and cultural identities of the nations.. They consider that globalization, a project whose main objective is elimination of the religions, national, ethnic and cultural identities of the other nations. Hence, they advocate the process of globalism and commend it’s outcome, if the process is not controlled by a single nation or government.

The fourth group argues that the process of globalization has provided mankind with certain opportunities, but at the same time posed some serious threats against certain nations. The trend of intellectual endeavor argues that the developing countries must carefully welcome this trend: they should utilize these opportunities and beware of threats posed against their culture, religion and identity. They add that globalization is not a completely destructive or negative process rather it, has a number of positive and constructive effects as well. In other words globalization offer both opportunities and threats, both positive and negative effects, it is a double edged sword.

So far some of the achievements of globalizations are

(1) Industrial- emergence of world wide production markets and broader access to a range of foreign products for consumers and companies.

Particularly movement of material and goods between and within national boundaries.

(2) Financial:- emergence of world wide financial markets and better access to external financing for borrowers.

(3) Economic:- realization of global common market, based on the freedom of exchange of goods and capital.

(4) Political:-some use of "globalization" to mean the creation of world government, or cartels of governments eg. WTO, World Bank and

IMF which regulate the relationships among the governments and guarantees the rights arising from social and economic globalization. (5) Information:- increase in information flows between geographically remote locations by the use fibre optic communications, satellites internet and telephone.

(6) Cultural:- growth of cross cultural contacts. Promotion of multi-culturalism to bring about peace and understanding among people. Promotion of tourism and travel has also increased after the idea of globalization grew. In addition the creation of the International Criminal Court and international justice movement such as the ICCPR(International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights)

ICESCR(International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights the ICJ (International Court of Justice) and the Human Rights Council materialized.

In addition, it is observed that globalization has promoted enhancement of collective consciousness towards the common fate of mankind, a feeling of belongingness of human- beings to the great family of nations and international society, an inclination of authoritative governments to democracy, closeness and more co-ordination between international players, possibility of exchange of views and mutual understanding and cultures and expansion of man’s choice from national to international level.

Despite these achievements so far, globalization has not alleviated the sorry plight of the down-trodden with 800 million people deprived of food, shelter, drinking water and proper sanitation. Globalization has only benefited the rich and the powerful and widened the gap between the rich and the poor. The proponents of globalization should address their efforts to alleviate the sorry condition of the unfortunate poverty stricken people of the world otherwise just like all other do-good enterprises the world has known it would be a meaningless exercise which will only promote the coming world uprising and revolution.
- Sri Lanka Guardian