Imran Khan and terrorists

Special Report to Sri Lanka Guardian

(March 03, Atlanta, Sri Lanka Guardian) Cricket commentators urge Imran Khan to eat his words on terrorist attacks and sports. In a recent statement, he had claim that terrorists will not target sportsmen."Sportsmen are in absolutely no danger from terrorist attacks, I've always maintained that," said the world cup winning Pakistan captain Imran Khan.

"Yes, the atmosphere would be tense and not as friendly as when India toured previously.” "But cricketers, of all the sportsmen, would never be attacked by terrorists because simply the public opinion would turn against whoever the terrorists are.”

"Remember terrorists rely on public opinion and winning the hearts and minds of the people. They want to be considered freedom fighters rather than terrorists. If they are perceived as terrorists by the masses, then they have lost. So in my opinion, they would not target cricketers ever."

Bloggers all around the internet mocked Imran Khan as terrorists gave a death blow to Pakistan cricket with the latest attack.

"Imran Khan will now have to eat his own words. He had said that no cricket team should fear a tour to Pakistan due to security concerns. In his own words, 'the terrorists will never attack sportsmen'. How wrong this prophecy has proven to be. No cricket team will now visit Pakistan, nor they should, until it is abundantly clear that terrorism and terrorists have been wiped out of the country. At the moment both of these are very much present and no better example of that than what occurred today," according to one blogger.
-Sri Lanka Guardian