The Rasalingam and Ratnavel rant

Letter to the Editor

(March 03, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Please stop publishing any more of this Senbastian Rasalingam and Roy Ratnavel meaningless elaborative egotistic rants. These two oldies seem to play cricket according to soccer rules and soccer according cricket rules respectively.

Of what interests are their meanderings through the meany ways to the current circumstances in Sri Lanka, moose hunting or rabbit trapping?

A web page is too valuable to accomodate such material when we have vital matters to discuss and share about the country's ethnic crisis. At great risk are hundreds of lives held hostage and getting these people out from the claws of the Tigers must be our top priority.

Please provide both Rasalingam and Ratnavel each other's telephone numbers and they can get on with their raves among themselves. They may even become friends and share evenings with highly "spirited" comradeship. Why deny this to them?

- Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum, Down W A Silva Mawatha, Colombo 6

-Sri Lanka Guardian
jean-pierre said...

Far from it. I have enjoyed this interesting discussion between two old world cultured gentlemen trading literary and cultural darts at each other. Rasalingam is emphasizing the lack of Tamil literary and cultural depth in Ratnavel's writings, while Ratnavel is defending the point of view of a certain segment of expatriates. The editors are doing a great job in bringing these articles to the public. Of course, I also feel that Ratanavel and Rasalingam might get along well if they meet - they are birds of a feather even if they are arguing at each other a bit, like in the Colombo clubs of yore.