National Integration Minister’s marriage disintegrates

(August 15, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) Sources in the United Kingdom close to the wife of Vinayagamoorthi Muralitharan, the National Integration Minister and a former Tamil Tiger military commander also known as Col. Karuna, confirm Minister Karuna’s effort to bring about reconciliation with his wife has failed. Angry Vidyawathi Muralitharan is said to be proceeding with the divorce petition in the local Magistrate Court.

Under the British law, filing divorce petition is a simple process and divorce is granted if the respondent does not put forward a counter statement. The sources said that Vidyawathy is planning to argue on the grounds of marriage irretrievably broken down due to adultery by Karuna and her application will be further strengthened as a result of both not living together as husband and wife.

According to sources, Minister Karuna attempted to reconcile with his wife following media revelations about his conduct, but his wife is said to be unrepentant and angry and refused to have any dealings with him.

If Vidyawathy’s application for divorce is successful degree nisi will be granted initially and after one year the divorce will be signed and sealed by a decree absolute on application.
-Sri Lanka Guardian