Hajj message from General Sarath Fonseka to all Muslims

By Sarath Fonseka
Former Chief of Sri Lanka Army

(November 28, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) It is my great pleasure to warmly convey my best wishes to all Muslims celebrating Hajj this year - a celebration of great importance in the Islamic world. The ritual of Hajj is celebrated to commemorate the Abrahamic roots and the sacrifices made by Prophet Ibrahim nearly five thousand years ago. The Hajj Pilgrimage epitomises peace, brotherhood and equality among the masses and serves as an example to all peoples of the world.

This year’s Hajj Festival has special significance for all, as it will be the first Hajj Festival celebrated as free Sri Lankan’s after the scourge of terrorism has been removed from our island. I remember a time when devout Hajj Pilgrims in the East were brutally murdered by the eastern terrorist forces. I am especially happy that this year our Muslim brothers in the North and the East will celebrate this most religious festival without any danger or trepidation, due to the actions of our heroic armed forces. We must capitalise on the window of peace that is now available for us so that we can build a lasting peace.

I am still saddened to note that nearly 20 years from the day that they were evicted from their homes, many Muslims are still languishing in Internally Displaced Camps (IDP) in the North and East. I believe that by the next Hajj celebrations all those who are currently displaced would celebrate their faith in a place where they can call home in safety and in peace. I promise to work tirelessly to this end.

I believe that the Muslim faith will play an integral role in healing the wounds of the past and brining together all communities in Sri Lanka.

I hope that by the will of Allah the All Mighty the hopes of all Muslim devotees will materialise.

I wish a happy and safe Id-Ul-Adha Festival to all Muslims in Sri Lanka and around the world.
-Sri Lanka Guardian