The World’s First Prime-minister was the mother of militarism in Sri Lanka

by Our Political Editor

[July 24, Colombo, Sri Lnaka Guardian] These days there is some complaint about insufficient celebration of Sri Lankan record of making the world’s first women prime-minister. At the same time there is the talk about sending more and more Sri Lankan women as domestic helpers to Middle East as domestic helpers. These two things are not complementary to each other.

Sri Lanka now also has the record of the failure to investigate rape , sexual abuse and domestic violence. Even the complaint against an Appeal Court Judge by a girl of rape and serious sex abuse has been ignored.

The achievements of the world first women prime minister was to the killings of ten thousand or more youth in 1971, in trying to suppress a minor uprising; destroying of the labor movement through her coalition government, suppression of independence of judiciary though her autochthnous constitution, destruction of the independence of civil service and paving the way for authoritarianism om J.R. Jayawardene.

Ruthlessness of this woman premier left ten of thousands of mothers weeping.
It was during her time that wide spread torture began to be used in Sri Lanka.

Regarding this Nanda Malini sang her song;

“Yadaming Bada Vilangula Mage puta raganne yanna,
Idikatu wen ageili thala thethis vadaya pamunuwanna”