President’s vision of United States of Sri Lanka (USS)

Sri Lanka Guardian Insight

(February 07, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) The President of Sri Lanka in the independence day message published in the Official Government News Portal of Sri Lanka (4/2) promised a little hope that he will take a broader approach to build a United States of Sri Lanka (USS). His visualisation must have come about following his recent visit to the United States of America (USA) where according to him he enjoyed peace for a short while. He must have got lots of respite to think peacefully in a broader sense modelling USA as an example to build a United State of Sri Lanka.

In his message he stated: ‘We must set right the errors of both past and present in this march towards greater freedom. There is no victory we have won through divisions, which leads to the loss of freedom for us all. Therefore, building a ‘united Sri Lanka’ is the best means by which freedom can be secured and given more meaning. We must .have the same commitment to building a ‘united nation’ as we had in defending our country’.

The President who shied away from using the word ‘United’ has advocated a change of heart to embrace the concept of a united nation on territorial basis to reflect the united character of Sri Lanka. Does this subtle approach pave the way for both the errors of the past and present to be mitigated to advance a much broader sense of clear cut regional autonomy with safeguards to build a United States of Sri Lanka?

So far his comment has not invited any criticisms from the hard nuts in his UPF government or the opposition. This break-through must pave the way for a much broader sense of talks with all the parties and such empowerment process of all the communities will lead to the dream unfulfilled since independence of Sri Lanka and will be a homage to thousands of people from all walks of lives who have sacrificed their lives in the war and will be solace for those victims who are carrying the ravages with no where to turn.

If Mahinda’s perception has changed, it will be the true ‘Mahinda Chinthamnaya’ and if his dream if fulfilled, he do the one deserve the Nobel Peace Price for bringing lasting peace in Sri Lanka.

Who knows the nature too that is playing havoc indefinitely since 2004 Tsunami will be mitigated with the God’s will with the homage to the premature deaths with the vision of a United States of Sri Lanka of the President.

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