How to Use Common Tamil Funds

by Gaja Lakshmi Paramasivam

(June 24, Melbourne, Sri Lanka Guardian) I write in response to the article Check their Bank Balancesby Malin Abeyatunge, published in Sri Lanka Guardian.

The article is largely about monies collected by the LTTE, which according to the author is about $300 million a year. The author says in this regard ‘The Scotland Yard, Metropolitan Police and the British Taxation Authorities (HMR & C) should wake up from slumber and investigate into the activities of various LTTE fronts and their modus operandi of collecting funds for LTTE.’

To my mind, such an expectation if carried out, would be a waste of the British Taxpayers’ monies. If it is a problem, it is a Tamil problem that needs to be socially resolved. It will be resolved if there are enough Tamils in Britain, driven by Fundamentals of Thesawalamai – the Customary laws of Tamils. To my mind, Tamils of Sri Lanka who feel independent, must have followed the Common Laws that made them diverse and independent as a Community. Hence their claims of an independent culture – which was respected and accepted by the British and before them the Dutch and the Portuguese. When we have a social avenue through which we are able to resolve conflict – we are an independent group – be it family, community or nation. It would be a waste of Public Funds for the Government to do what citizens can themselves do – as individuals and/or in groups. Once the citizen/group practices the law without needing a government agency to tell her/him that s/he was right or wrong – that citizen/group is taken as being Equal to the Government, until proven otherwise through merit basis. From then on, to that citizen, the Government becomes a facility and not an Administration. If Sri Lankan Government had practiced the laws of war independent of the UN – they would not be in this current mess which is drastically demoting the status of the Sinhalese at the international level.

The author says ‘Apparently, before the total annihilation of LTTE militarily in Sri Lanka, the Tamil Diaspora was in possession of millions of dollars and pounds. Since there is no more war left to fight by the LTTE and the LTTE fronts now do not need to use LTTE funds to procure arms illegally. Instead, their latest strategy is to use those funds to buy over influential politicians, councilors, print and electronic media (Channel 4, BBC etc) human rights organizations, academics etc in UK . Same goes with USA, Canada, Norway and EU countries. But UK politicians and print and electronic media seem to be the biggest benefactors of LTTE funds.’

That to me is smart politics and would help the British benefit from the lawlessness in Sri Lanka – due to which these Tamils are spending money in Britain, instead of in Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan Government needed to earn its assistance from other countries – through Common Bodies such as the UN and the EU. When we are part of a group we are common to the extent of our contribution to the Common Values and Principles of that group. We may all not be able to contribute at Equal level but to the extent we contribute all we can at the highest level available to us – we are Common/Equal members of the group and we do not need others’ endorsement to mark us right or wrong. It is obvious to many of us that the British are using the war against LTTE/Tamils – to recoup through ‘status’ the resources they have been spending to maintain refugees from Sri Lanka. Wealth to us, is money plus status. This has been confirmed also by Thesawalamai the laws of Tamils of Northern Sri Lanka. Now, through the system of Natural Justice, Tamils are earning money to compensate for their minority status in Sri Lanka. So long as they spend it within the Community and/or for the Common good of the Community – these monies need to remain within the group unless a member of the community complains independently to the National level authorities.

Tamil taxpayers’ monies were also used by the Sri Lankan Government to kill Tamils. Until the Sri Lankan Government makes amends as if their own had been killed – it has to take its place as a country of low status practicing Racial Discrimination. Commitment to eliminating all forms of Racial Discrimination needs to include that the expressions of belief of a victim from a minority race be taken as true until proven otherwise through objectively measurable evaluation. There needs to be objective evidence that they were damaged / hurt. But why they were damaged – whether it was due to terrorism or racism is as per the belief of the victim of the minority group and not as per the thinking of majority power. A victim who has been damaged/hurt would start believing when s/he accepts that s/he could not do anything about it. That belief is the foundation on which any complaint needs to be heard.

The UN reports and Channel 4 reports have confirmed that Tamil civilians did die. Why they died needs to be taken as per the belief of their closest kin and not as per the Government’s word. In terms of combatants – if they believed that they were fighting for an independent homeland – they need to be taken as rebels and not as terrorists.

If indeed the custodians of Tamil monies do not already know of a way to use the monies for the common good of their People – I urge them to form local Panchayaths / social tribunals to compensate the victims of this war – especially the families of LTTE soldiers who risked their lives in the belief that they were fighting for an independent homeland. If the monies were spent towards other private pursuits – that would have the effect that contributors were paying for quick status with the LTTE for their own local purposes. In other words, that those contributors were actually doing business through this war.

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