EDITORIAL: Time to zip and lock Gota’s grubby mouth

Following the end of the war with the LTTE, Gota has lost his senses and with the absolute power vested upon him is on the path to transform Sri Lanka into a lethal democratic-dictatorship.
(July 12, 2012, Colombo / New Delhi / London, Sri Lanka Guardian) Defence Secretary Lieutenant Colonel Nandasena Gotabaya Rajapaksa popularly known as Gota, the dearly loved brother of the President Mahinda Percy Rajapakse is intoxicated with power, groomed with innermost hatred towards Tamils and fearful of his own self becoming a victim of his blood thirsty conduct.

Following the end of the war with the LTTE, Gota has lost his senses and with the absolute power vested upon him is on the path to transform Sri Lanka into a lethal democratic-dictatorship. The role of the Rajapakse & Co in the governance and in particular of the Mahinda-Gota relationship entail a progressing democratic-dictatorship very well. The older brother Mahinda project an image of democracy and is on the path to fiddle his way forward with his ever specialising task of machination of his wishes unscrupulously whilst his brother Gota with absolute power is resolved to make the nation of Sri Lanka - a pathetic and ignoramus state.

Gota’s utterances to the media reflect the type of leadership Sri Lanka is bestowed with. The verbal diatribe of filth and abuse towards the respectable journalist Frederica Janz of Sunday Leader speaks of the mindset of the violent, vulgar, inept and an inwardly man who is bestowed with unchecked powers to do what he feels fit for him.

With the highhanded mission of Gota’s Defence Ministry, free media has become the perpetual victim. All the ammunitions have been used to cajole the free media for being outspoken in their reporting. Of the free media Sunday Leader paid the heavy price for over a decade. Torching its press, threatening, intimidation, killings of its Editor in Chief Lasantha Wickramatunga, massaging the judiciary in favour of Rajapakse & Co., and many other forms of intimidations are experiences that no media would have experienced in any part of the world. Despite all the odds against it, Sunday Leader still limps its way through without cowing down to the state dictates of the totalitarians and to become a puppy newspaper like the other newspapers. Frederica Janze’s fate is now in the hands of the venomous Gota who’s hands are soaked in the blood of thousands victims and his angry outburst towards Fredrika is none other than a mission to be accomplished.

Sri Lanka media is maintaining dishonourable silence over the very worrying and murderous comments of the Defence Secretary. Puppets of the government in the media and the fear enthralled media persons are preventing a free and fair discussion about the blatant vulgar, annoyance, threat and intimidation of Gota. Proscribing the free media at strokes without even realising the inadequacies of the provision of the law to ban them are reality of Gota’s unquestionable and irresponsible power base.

Ever the failing democracy of Sri Lanka will not find an answer for the bigoted maggots like Gota who are stampeding the very fabric of the society. Killings, kidnaps and intimidations have become the rule of law in the country. It is time that international community exerts its responsibility without being cowed to the grandiose slogans of respecting sovereignty of a nation and non interference in its conduct even it is appalling. It is the right thinking international community that should impose on Sri Lanka to safeguard its citizens. Severity of international pressure if any attempt of cowardice act by the state against the fearless and respectable journalist Fredrika Janz must be a pre-empted effort and must be rightfully conveyed to the abusers without any reservations.

Gota’s latest threat on the eminent journalist must not be considered lightly and the process of war crimes inquiry against the hot headed Lieutenant Colonel must progress in a faster space to bring about sanity in Sri Lanka.