| by N.S.Venkataraman

( August 19, 2012, Chennai, Sri Lanka Guardian) In several developing countries such as India , Pakistan ,Sri Lanka, sporadic rumours have been going on about the widespread corruption and nepotism in the government , both at the decision taking level and at administrative level. While the common men do not have the opportunity or the chance to verify the rumours about the corruption at the top level of the government, certainly they come across petty corruption in various government offices in day today life.

While facing such demand for bribe for getting anything done in the government departments, common men believe the massive scams and corruption at the top level of the government should be true. Therefore, the rumours about widespread corruption in several dealings of the government spread thick and fast . Since many politicians do not enjoy high level of reputation for personal honesty, people conclude that the corruption has become order of the day and integral part of the governance.

People, particularly belonging to the lower and middle income group who need the government support and who expect that the government would implement development and welfare projects that would spread overall economic growth , feel highly demoralized when rumours float almost continuously about even the top functionaries of the government indulging in corrupt practices and amassing personal wealth. The wild rumours about crucial positions in government being offered to people with right connections or family relationships inevitably create frustration in the minds of the people who are driven to feelings of helplessness and anger.

The country belongs to everyone , as much to the poor as to the rich. Nobody would mind somebody occupying top positions in government and others occupying lower positions and the people reconcile themselves even to the economic disparity , as inevitable part of life. But, when one would feel that top positions are occupied or being given due to reasons other than merit and people in the government and bureaucracy make money by corrupt and dishonest methods, it is extremely difficult for common man to reconcile themselves to such situation.

It is often said that people get the type of government that they deserve, which is not true. What can the people do if corruption and dishonesty become essential part of the government at every level and corrupt forces manage to get and occupy positions of power by circumventing rules and regulations and clever manipulation of electoral process? In such circumstances, people cannot be held responsible for the quality of the governance and they actually become victims of misrule.

Now, what are the options for the people who feel frustrated and disgusted about such state of affairs ?

The only peaceful way for the people is to fight corruption at individual level at every opportunity that will spread chain of positive force and energy in the society and create fear in the minds of corrupt people in the government.

With or without formal organizations, keep talking, be connected and promote ethical values at every opportunity to fight corruption.