Minister Hakeem stammering in front of media

| by Robinhood

( August 03, 2012, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) SLMC leader Rauff Hakeem said that their party will context the coming PC elections independently but not quitting from the coalition partnership with the UPFA.

He was quoting the definition about the Muslim congress that it is the self conscious of the Muslim people of the present government. He said his party had many problems with the government which they couldn’t resolve. So the party politburo decided to contest the elections independently without quitting from the UPFA. He confirmed that after the elections depending on the results they will still continue dialogs with the UPFA government and continue to give their support in the formation of the eastern provincial councils.

He said this with greatest difficulty murmuring and swallowing his statements. He said when the people heard the SLMC is going to contest independently they were so happy. I wish to inform this minister if the minister considers that the people were so happy to know that SLMC is contesting independently the people would be much happier if the SLMC quit from the alliance and contest independently in all provinces.

He said that the members of the SLMC and the UPFA had very lengthy discussions almost two weeks which was not successful so ultimately decided to contest independently still preserving the membership with the alliance

We wish to teach the meaning of honesty to this minister that is by holding its UPFA membership how can this minister contest independently for the best interest of the people in eastern province and serve the community as a whole? There are already allegations that minister Hakeem only visits eastern province only during election. Under this circumstance it is just a waste of time and an eyewash holding discussions with the UPFA because it’s not going help to resolve the burning problems of the Muslims in the north east and establish the rule of law in Sri Lanka.

By the way Rauff Hakeem as a justice minister has not spoken any single word regarding the absence of law and impunity and all what he saying is “if something like that has happened I will condemn”

We wish to say this duplicity minister there is nothing the SLMC has fulfilled or achieved to meet the demands of the Muslim community after it joined with the UPFA and it is these ministers who have got benefits and privileges from the government where the ministers are under obligation unable to quit. This was very evident the way minister Hakeem murmuring his view in front of the media. There was no consistent and integrity in his speech as a justice minister. It was very clear the amount of double standard in his statement trying to cover the duplicity and balancing the situation. He was so discreet to give his comments but very surreptitious to acquire his aims.

The present SLMC has no clear policy to meet the demands of the Muslim community at large. The problems of the Muslim community such as resettlement and land issues in the north and east remain (including Mannar) unresolved and there is nothing significant the SLMC has done to address those problems.

Minister Hakeem already knows that he cannot meet any of the demands of Muslims under this government but continue to give his support to protect his ministerial portfolio, privileges and personal benefits. It is funny the SLMC contesting independently in the eastern province and in partnership with the UPFA in Sabaragamuwa and north central provinces which confirms the double standard and there is no clear policy to its hierarchy to work for the best interest for its people.

He said he don’t mind when some Muslim parties criticize his decision as he has taken an honest decision according his self conscious. But we wish to inform him that his honest decision would be worth if the party can quit from the alliance and contest independently in all provinces in the coming elections as there is nothing the SLMC has done to the Muslim community while joined with the alliance. What it has all done is to give its support to implement the 18th amendment where the president can contest the presidency more than twice. I wish to remind this minister by being a coalition partner he cannot demand any rights of the Muslims community so the best way is to quit from the partnership leaving all the ministerial positions and privileges and contest the elections and then demand to establish the rule of law which would be much meaningful and the right conscience if he wish to gratify his late leader M.H.M Ashraff. If the rule of law is established all problems would be automatically solved.

I wish to say minister Hakeem in future if he wishes to brief the media not to mummer his blatant subterfuge which is so obvious as a senior lawyer and justice minister but to write and speak so that he will not mummer.

Minister Hakeem’s a a ah aaah a aa ah a a ah a mm mmm aaaaah aaaah a aaaah a a a

“We can say Sri Lanka Muslim congress is the self conscience inside the a a aa aaa aa aaaa a a aa of the present government”

“We had many problems with the government which we a a a aahh a a haah aah aaaa a tried to resolve but a a a aa ahha aaa aahaa unable to come to aa ahhah ah aa a a a reach to an agreement so we decided to contest independently”

Minister Hakeem confirmed his party has unresolved issues with the alliance which cannot be resolved so why SLMC still remaining in partnership with the alliance? “We contest the eastern PC independently but still in partnership with the UPFA”
What the hell did the partnership bring to the best interest of the society?

“As a coalition partner of the present alliance we thought not to quit a a aaaaah a a a ah aa a aah a a from the alliance but to contest independently”

“After the elections mm mma a ah aa ah a aaaaah a a a a aah we will further engage in discussions we will try to a mm a aaa aa aah form an alliance a a a in the eastern provincial council”

It appears the alliance members have nothing worth except having lengthy discussions un-harming the alliance and protecting the personal benefits and privileges. May be the Muslim minister such as Rauff Hakeem and Azwer remains in partnership with the alliance nothing but to increase the hajj quota, to host loudspeakers when calling for prayers and to allow qurban during the month of hajj.