Sri Lanka: Parliamentarians Must Resign with dignity


Reduce wastage by calling back unnecessary foreign missions and cancelling the mega ministerial portfolios and new ‘white elephant’ projects.

by Chula Goonasekera

We have reached rock bottom as a country. This letter contains some simple suggestions collated by a group of professional patriotic multidisciplinary experts that can be implemented without delay via the parliament to enhance our recovery. If you cannot, then the next best option is resignation. Not supporting our national recovery will only brand you as enemies of the state in the future.

1. Support going to the IMF and obtaining a tolerable loan package for Sri Lankans. The reason is that the public will have to generate the money required for our recovery whilst suffering from the hardships of austerity for years to come.

2. Use your 2/3 majority in the parliament to abolish the presidential system, as the ‘presidential’ approach has not benefited the nation much. Over the years, this portfolio has not only become a liability but a hindrance to promoting unity in the country. Furthermore, we are a small nation, and we need not spend so much money on a political portfolio that is not cost-effective.

3. Reduce wastage by calling back unnecessary foreign missions and cancelling the mega ministerial portfolios and new ‘white elephant’ projects.

4. Make the Central Bank Finance system and Civil administration independent. Do not parachute top officials to lead those institutions. We have already seen the detrimental outcomes that will further tarnish your reputation.

5. Support energy generation at the ‘home’ level by promoting renewable energy format strategies available and can be guided by our world renounced experts.

6. Do not support the sale of any national assets. Instead, promote Private-Public-Partnership (PPP) projects and local entrepreneurship.

7. If you cannot support our national recovery, it is best to resign with dignity and preserve the chances of re-election later.