Easter Attacks: Third Debate Ends; Time to Unmask the Conspiracy

Exposing Exploitation and Urging Reform in the Aftermath of the Easter Attack Parliamentary Debate


The three-day parliamentary debate on the Easter attack has reached its culmination. Throughout this extended discourse, it has been emphatically demonstrated that there exists no overarching conspiracy behind these tragic events. Instead, it has become glaringly apparent how certain factions within society are shamelessly exploiting this tragedy to advance their narrow personal agendas. The critical inquiry posed by an MP Kumarathunga to the Minister of Public Security during the final stages of the debate resonates profoundly: what measures will be taken against those who possessed forewarning of the impending attack—information conveyed a full ten days prior, and yet again just one day before—yet failed to intervene to prevent the unfolding catastrophe?

File photo: Churches under tight security in the aftermath of the Easter bombings in 2019.

Central to the debate’s revelations is the incontrovertible fact that the state intelligence apparatus diligently disseminated pertinent information to the requisite authorities and establishments. Despite this, baseless accusations continued to be levelled against the intelligence services, even leading to the unjust vilification of its senior officials within the public sphere. Such unfounded narratives, regrettably, even seemed to taint judicial proceedings. Yet, the discourse has brought forth a starkly contrasting truth: the intelligence service discharged its duty diligently, corroborated by corroborative testimonies from political parties, religious groups, and other corroborative parties. The glaring discrepancy, however, lies in the failure to hold accountable those culpable individuals who neglected their responsibility to act upon the intelligence provided.

Further scrutiny unveiled crucial details involving recurrent figures such as Abu Hind, Sarah Jasmine, Podi Saharan, and Sonic Sonic. Pertinent inquiries into IP addresses, lodging arrangements of the assailant Saharan, and other pivotal aspects were satisfactorily addressed. Moreover, the conspicuous evasion of the former Attorney General, once touted as a linchpin in the alleged grand conspiracy, underscores the imperative for those entangled in nefarious plots to confront reality. The time has arrived to terminate the reprehensible dissemination of unfounded rumours and the unjust persecution of conscientious officials. What remains paramount is to regard this distressing episode as an impetus for societal healing, steering clear of any further misdirection. Additionally, it behoves us to honourably discharge any obligations owed to the victims of this tragedy, while also implementing substantive structural reforms to forestall the recurrence of such harrowing events.