Whilst all the avenues to open up criminal investigative and legal roots are being stubbornly resisted by the government of Sri Lanka, its heavily politicised police force has come out with the latest claim of war crimes by the LTTE. Any investigation of the latest claim, must be part of international investigations as beyond the claim of mass murder by the LTTE there are reasons to suspect it is a politically motivated claim or a planted story to undermine the demand for an international war crimes inquiry. Sri Lanka must seek the help of reputed international agencies to undertake a honest investigative process on the latest claim.
The government and the LTTE are accused of war crimes and the government’s part in the conduct of the war violating the international norms is still to be investigated. The crimes accused of carried out are bombing of civilian targets, rapes, white flag killings, executions of LTTE cadres etc.
The government has also not revealed the full list of names of soldiers killed in the fight with the LTTE. The missing in action list also includes of soldiers killed and disposed off by the army during the war due to inability to transport the wounded to hospitals for treatment. During the peak of the war it was claimed dead bodies of the soldiers were thrown into the jungle and sea.

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