Ban on pillion riding imposed again in Karachi for 1 week

by Ashfaq Sharif

(January 18,Karachi , Sri Lanka Guardian) I AM very much regret and very dis-appoint to read news ( Business Recorder ) that PILLION RIDING again banned in Karachi for 7 days ( 1 week ) has been imposed in the view of the current law and order situation in the city. If Pillion banned for 1 week what assurance that no target killing stop and all people life’s secured or saved.

How long these target killers will hide or get support and finance. They are more powerful than God. If they asked question why they doing such evil works than do not reply to God and skip from God punishment as they sharply ran away after the killing innocents. Such bad habits they learned from which their ideal leaders. Whose instruction they are obeying?

Request to Police Department do their job in sincere and honest way do not make too much questioned from the innocents as our police very eager to stop, searching and questioning with innocents and when the real criminal come a cross than they have no courage to catch or fight them.

Such type of banned every enforce yet apply by any country expect Pakistan is very often and proudly enforce this banned in the name of to control the law and order situation of the city.

But when criminal want to commits crimes than do freely and perform without fear, dis-appear immediately after the incident than later police people make entry after the exit of criminal to register that they visit the crime area and now investigating to catch the real culprits. Please tell how many culprits yet punished or hanged those who are involved in target killings?

In last I pray to God those who involved in all target killing should all killers be destroy and go to Hell without giving any spare time to kills others. Save all people lives and property from these terrorists.

This pillion riding banned will be benefit to TRANSPORTERS and Police when those person riding bike in double due to un-aware of such banned NEWS than police ask for bribe otherwise face the charges for violating this banned?

For God shake do not play with the people problem and feeling and try to hunt and catch those real culprits who are responsible for all target killing as soon as possible.

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