International Humanitarian Organization Commemorates the Buddha’s 2,600-Year Jayanthi

by Bonnie Mansdorf, Ph.D.E.
Executive Director, The Foundation for a Healing Among Nations
Los Angeles, California

(May 09, Los Angeles - California , Sri Lanka Guardian) On the full moon day of May, 2011, over one billion Buddhists all over the world will celebrate the 2,600th anniversary of the Buddha’s enlightenment. I, too, would like to honor this occasion by pointing out the profound positive impact that this singular event has had on our planet and its subsequent history. The Buddha realized his Dhamma during his moment of enlightenment, and the Dhamma has pointed the way to peace – both inner and outer – for individuals as well as countries, for exactly 26 centuries. I have no doubt that it will continue to guide us for many more.

I was recently given a copy of the new book by Ven. Walpola Piyananda and Dr. Stephen Long entitled, “Thus We Heard: Recollections of the Life of the Buddha.” The publication of this amazing book coincides with the Buddha’s Jayanthi, and it states on the first page that it was written to celebrate this event. I must commend the authors for sharing with the world the life story of the Buddha and his teachings in such an accessible, comprehensive, and engaging way. As a life-long student of world spiritual pathways, I must say that I have never read another book like it, and can recommend it wholeheartedly for readers everywhere. Its message, which is the message of the Buddha and all he represents, could not come at a better time for all of us who share space on this tiny troubled planet.

Since 1993 our Foundation has been actively participating in a variety of projects around the world in congruence with our Mission, which is viewable on our website ( Our involvement with world leaders in a variety of international forums has been on two levels, which I will call the “outer,” and the “inner.” The “outer” level is basically our participatory track record of successful projects; the “inner” level is the energetic spiritual support we have been generating for these projects, utilizing our unique gifts and vision. To recap some of the “outer” level, our projects have included (view complete list and details on our website):

  • Working with the Dalai Lama on the “Tibetan National Commemoration and Documentation Center,” a program that recorded the testimony of 500 witnesses to the Chinese invasion
  • “Women’s Tour for Global Understanding”
  • “Day of Prayer” in Assisi, Italy, with Pope John Paul II
  • “Global Prayer Summit”
  • “Circle of Nations” (for Native Americans)
  • “A Season for Nonviolence” in collaboration with The Gandhi Foundation, and other humanitarian organizations
  • From 1995-1998 with Steven Spielberg’s “Survivors of the Shoah Foundation,” an oral history testimony project for victims of the Holocaust, which was later expanded to include others of diverse cultures.
  • Women of the Tsunami, a program in Matara, Sri Lanka, to help develop micro-businesses for tsunami survivors.

We see when reviewing all of our involvements that a complete cycle is now behind us, and the future cycle lies directly ahead. We are all living and coping with the ever-increasing velocity of constant change, which affects each and every one of us by creating uncertainty and turmoil in our nations and personal experience. Emphasis in the Foundation’s next cycle, therefore, will be placed on the “inner” level, where we feel we can potentially have the most positive impact. We feel that very few organizations are focusing on gathering the spiritual energy that can promote the arising of planetary conditions that will facilitate the emergence of the “potential” into the “actual,” and we are stepping in to fill this void. We feel that we should now openly proclaim our specific “calling,” if you will, which is to participate in the dramatic global changes currently taking place by seeking to activate the required love, light, and power to build a new civilization based on love, forgiveness, compassion, humility, and the perennial wisdom and teachings of the Buddha.

The example of the life of the Buddha reveals that he, too, helped heal individuals and countries by using both “outer” and “inner” means. I learned from reading “Thus We Heard” that on the “outer” level he prevented war between the Sakyans and Kolyans over the water in the River Rohini; he gave sage advice to several kings about managing their kingdoms; and he taught Anathapindika and Visakha how to use their wealth wisely and practice generosity. On the “inner” level, when he “surveyed the world” every day he used his paranormal powers to reach out to those who needed his healing, support, and blessing; his physical presence provided the strong energy field that contained the spiritual spark that ignited realization in his “ripe” disciples; and through the power of his spiritual intention he rid Vesali of the triple plague, and saved the Licchavis from certain destruction.

I have personally traveled to most of the countries of the world, including Sri Lanka, India, Europe, the Americas, the Middle East, and throughout Asia on behalf of our Foundation. I only went where I was invited, and I brought world leaders and disparate groups together on projects that oftentimes involved the tradition of oral history. What we have learned of the life of the Buddha – including his Dhamma – was all preserved for us through this tradition. In fact, we would know very little of him or his teaching if the monks hadn’t passed his words from generation to generation for three hundred years before it was finally written down in Sri Lanka.

Our Foundation is currently embarking on a new course that includes projects involving the preservation of knowledge through personal testimony in Korea, the United States, and other countries. We will use the tools of documentary film, other forms of media, public relations, and international gatherings to bring about the healing of nations and the healing of individuals – both of whom have suffered from trauma of all kinds. All of our projects will be inspired by the dedication of the Buddha to pursue the truth over all else, and that of his followers over the centuries who kept that truth alive for us today. Our Foundation will align ourselves with his “inner” healing energies, and move forward following his example. Thank you “Thus We Heard” for helping me to clarify this new intention and direction for our Foundation, and for illuminating the way for our next, most crucial, cycle of participation in world events.

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