Cardinal Reaffirms His Faith in Easter Blast Probe — Gota’s Memoir

Ex-President Gotabaya Rajapaksa's memoir reveals that he was invited to have dinner with the Cardinal at his residence many times and joined him with his wife accordingly.

In a poignant reflection on his tenure as Sri Lanka’s President, Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s recently published memoir, “The Conspiracy to Oust Me from Presidency,” offers a detailed glimpse into his relationship with Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith and the intricate dynamics surrounding the investigation into the Easter Sunday Suicide Attacks in 2019.

[Photo: Presidential Secretariat, Sri Lanka]

Rajapaksa’s memoir delves into the depth of his association with Cardinal Ranjith, tracing back to his tenure as Defense Secretary and highlighting their shared endeavours in advancing the welfare of the Catholic community. From spearheading the restoration of churches post-war to facilitating the establishment of educational institutions like the Benedict XVI Catholic Institute of Higher Education, Rajapaksa underscores his commitment to fostering collaboration with the Cardinal for the betterment of society.

Central to Rajapaksa’s narrative is a pivotal conversation with Cardinal Ranjith regarding the Commission of Inquiry appointed to probe the Easter Sunday Attacks. Rajapaksa recalls seeking the Cardinal’s perspective on the composition of the Commission, expressing a willingness to accommodate any concerns or suggestions. Cardinal Ranjith, however, reaffirms his confidence in the Commission’s impartiality and underscores the necessity of allowing it to function autonomously, free from external influence.

The memoir elucidates on the nuances of Cardinal Ranjith’s evolving sentiments towards the investigation, juxtaposing moments of satisfaction with concerns arising from developments such as the controversial release of Riyad Bathiudeen, a suspect linked to the attacks. Rajapaksa candidly portrays the Cardinal’s apprehension, citing it as a testament to the complexities and challenges inherent in navigating the aftermath of a terrorist atrocity.

Furthermore, Rajapaksa’s memoir sheds light on his efforts to assuage the Cardinal’s concerns, reiterating the government’s unwavering commitment to upholding the rule of law and ensuring accountability for those responsible for the attacks. Despite the complexities surrounding the investigation, Rajapaksa emphasizes the imperative of fostering communal harmony and pursuing justice through collaborative endeavours.

The memoir also offers poignant anecdotes, such as Rajapaksa’s attendance at the inauguration ceremony of the Benedict XVI Catholic Institute of Higher Education, where he was honoured by Cardinal Ranjith for his contributions to the institution’s establishment.