Etymology of OK


by Bhikkhu Mandawala Pannawansa Thero

By deviating from our usual writings we shall learn today an etymology of famous word: OK, OKAY

Usually it is said that O.K. comes from “ALL CORRECT” !

If it is so it should be A.C. instead of O.K.!

Anyway origin of this word goes to French language.

In the past, when mariners came to a port after having spent months & months in the sea they looked for some kind of intimate relationship! Therefore they used to call street women who, in their turn, approve a rendezvous by waving their hands saying:

AU QUAI! which means: “(let us meet) at the jetty.”

AU QUAI means AT THE JETTY! (or at the Quay)

In the course of time this AU QUAI became OK (by imitating its pronunciation)

Since then many European languages use this word to denote agreement. In English it has become a VERB, an ADJECTIVE & a NOUN!

"The plan is OKAYED!"

"Everything is OK or OKAY".

"He gave his OKAY to the president"

Usually in the day to day conversations OKAY is used.

Nevertheless, many people never think that origin of OKAY goes towards French language!

( February 12, Milan, Sri Lanka Guardian)