Tiger Paparazzi

(March 29, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) We reproduce the photographs taken by the hardcore LTTE activist Sockalingam Karunaligam alias Kannan at the conference organised by the LTTE front Global Peace Support Group on March 22, 2008 in London. These photographs have been selectively published by the LTTE’s Dirty Sethu in his website. Dirty Sethu has published his own dirty and disparaging story as usual in Tamil to discredit the Tamil Democratic Congress Leader R Jayadevan.

First Left showing his back: Tamil Tiger activist Mahadeva who is the official conch blower for the LTTE functions in London. Second from left: LTTE security guard. Third from left: R Jayadevan confronting LTTE’s Murugesu Sivarajah when Sivarajah attempted to confiscate the attendance register from Jayadevan. Jayadevan is telling Sivarajah that he was responsible for his incarceration by the LTTE in Vanni. Fourth from left: A K Vivekananthan another victim of the LTTE. He was held under captivity by the LTTE with Jayadevan in Vanni.
Fifth from left: Murugesu Sivarajah. He was the LTTE appointed owner of their head quarters in London i.e., Ealam House which is said to have been sold for £900,000 two years ago.

Left: LTTE security guard. Jayadevan trying to seek the help of Stephen Timms MP.

Jayadevan with C Sithamparapillai. Sithamparapillai is a lawyer and is the Chairman of the LTTE front TRAG for over fifteen years. The attention seeker Sithamparapillai was told to stop clicking his camera. Sithamparapillai is said to be a craving fan for Tamil doughnut (Vadai) and bananas. Was he asked whether these were provided at the conference by Jayadevan?

Jayadevan talking to the former mayor of Nottingham City Dr Rajachandran about his experience in the hands of the LTTE goons.

Courtasy: LTTE’s Sockalingam Karunalingam known as Kannan in London and Dirty Sethu in Oslo. - Sri Lanka Guardian