Six civilians killed including two children in a claymore attack

(June 03, Jaffna, Sri Lanka Guardian) Six civilians including two children were killed in a claymore by the Deep Penetration Unit of the Sri Lanka military in Oddusuddan Road in Mankulam at 8.00pm on Monday 2 June 2008, said the LTTE in an official statement.

According to the statement received by Sri Lanka Guardian, “four more people were injured in the attack; among them are three children youngest of whom is jut one year old”.

“The people killed and injured in the attack are from three families and they were on their way to the temple in Puthoor in a grey colored old Morris Minor car with the number plate “8 Sri 6109”. There could have been no doubt in the attacker’s mind that the vehicle belonged to civilians,” the statement added.
- Sri Lanka Guardian
TheTruth said...

Does the writer know how to use the word 'alleged'?

Halitosis said...

Yes blackhawk is correct. If any attack is launched by the Tigers, they always use "alleged" or the media say " that the Armed forces accused the Tigers"; in this case the words are as if it were definite. Also I am wondering why the facists racists suicidal baby killer organization was silent about the artillery attack that the Tiger Tamils launched, which killed 6 innocent tamils in Gurunagar area. Everyone knows there SLA is not this capable of going anywhere. There is no doubt where the next tiger in the large Colombo based population of Tamils and their sinhala helpers will launch an attack..And TNA will remain silent. They only get upset when there are accidental or deliberate Tamil deaths. I say they are all WRONG and immoral if they really target civilians. I doubt if the ARmy does it. We know the Tigers do it. But in either case accidental or planned evil acts are evil. Must be condemned by all sides. Govt must condemn attacks IF they are deliberate and TNA must not applaud tamil terrorist attacks in the South because it will not deter the govt. from its war effort. Will the TNA blast the Tigers for the Tiger artillery attack on its own people?Odd lah? what say you LTTE, your bombs are okay to kill again lah? you are ready to blow up another school bus and needed a set up?