Problems faced by maids in Middle East!

- Virekesari Editorial

(August 30, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) A human rights organization has pointed out that one foreign maid dies every week due to either accident or suicide. It says that 95 foreign maids died last year. 45 committed suicide and 24 out of the remaining 40 had fallen from high buildings.

Most of the maids are from Sri Lanka, Ethiopia and Philipines. It says that financial crisis, over work and assaults are the causes for their committing suicide.

The agents who send maids to the Middle East give them many promises and guarantee their salary. But, salaries are not paid as promised and as a result, they face many crises.

As a precaution to avoid these problems, the Foreign Employment Bureau has implemented many proposals. All those who go abroad for employment are requested to register themselves with the Foreign Employment Bureau. They have to get an insurance policy regarding their work. They should go to the Middles East for employment only through the approved agents.

However the problems faced by the workers who go to Middles East have not come to an end. It is important that the Lankan embassies in the Middle East should take extra care regarding the workers of their country.

If enough employment opportunities are created in the country then the number of people seeking employment abroad can be reduced. As far as Sri Lanka is concerned, going abroad seeking employment has become unavoidable in the back drop of the country’s economic situation.

Therefore, the government should take steps to increase the local production and development and should encourage self employment. When there is adequate income and increased job opportunities, the toll of the workers seeking employment abroad can be controlled.

(An English translation of the Editorial in Virekesari, a Tamil daily, based in Colombo. )
- Sri Lanka Guardian