“I have never been affiliated nor associated with LTTE”

by R.Cheran, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology,
University of Windsor

(December 04,Wundsor , Sri Lanka Guardian) The statement released by the Forum of Sri Lankan Canadians against Terrorism (Read) you published in your web newspaper came to my attention a few days ago. In the statement the Forum has made a number of unsubstantiated allegations against me. I am sending this letter to you directly because as the editor of the Sri Lanka Guardian you are also responsible for the statement. It is my hope that my response will assist in clarifying matters with your editorial board and the wider public audience you have sought to influence.

At the outset it deserves mention that I have never been a member (formal or otherwise) of any militant group. I have been and remain thoroughly independent.

The Forum’s first allegation is that “Prof R. Cheran is the new adviser to LTTE leader”. I wish to clarify that I have never been affiliated nor associated with LTTE publicly or privately, no one has ever appointed me as an adviser to the LTTE leader and the allegations are malicious, wrong and without any factual foundation.

The Forum’s statement also alleges without evidence that “while Prof. Cheran was in Sri Lanka LTTE leader held a party for Cheran and asked him to help clear LTTE image (sic) around the world”. This is a complete falsehood – no such party took place. The only time i visited Kilinochi in the past 25 years was in 2004 as a part of a multi ethnic (Sinhalese, Muslim and Tamil) diaspora team that visited various parts of Sri Lanka to assess the potential role diasporas can play in development. We met NGO representatives in Kilinochi but we did not meet with the LTTE or its leader. I am aware that similar allegations about me have been circulating for some time by a number of pro-government sources – but I emphasize herein that it is a complete falsehood.

It is clear that you published the Statement without any fact checking whatsoever - thereby seriously violating your own code of conduct as espoused in your website.

My criticism of the LTTE is public and private and for the past twenty-eight years I have been steadfast in my critique of not only LTTE but also all the Tamil militant groups and the Government of Sri Lanka. All my political interviews from 1985 to November 2006 are available in the book, Kadavulum Pisaasum Kavignanum (Kalachuvadu Publishers, 2007). Anyone that reads these interviews will be aware of my criticisms and political position. My latest interview in English was for the Week magazine in India that appeared in November 2007.

In the current context of Sri Lankan politics the statement you published, while unsubstantiated, is potentially very dangerous to me. As someone who travels back and forth between Canada and Sri Lanka on an ongoing basis and with family remaining in Sri Lanka, these allegations could result in life threatening consequences to me and my family. As you know, all parties to the conflict-LTTE, GOSL, EPDP and other Tamil militant groups that work with the GOSL -are engaged in tit-for tat killings and individuals are often targeted based on suspected “affiliations”.

I am willing to accept a retraction of the allegations against me contained in the Statement published on November 26, 2008 as well as a personal and public apology from you in order to put all this behind us. On the other hand, please be advised that if you refuse to issue the retraction and apology, I will be retaining counsel with a view to protecting my professional reputation.
- Sri Lanka Guardian