By Nilantha Ilangamuwa

Lieutenant Colonel Gunter Chassé (Retired)—decorated with the Honourary Cross of the Bundeswehr in Gold—began his military career in 1969 by completing officer training at the German Air Force Officers' School in Munich. Chassé's specialized military training includes courses on Air Defence Weapon Systems at the German Air Force Air Defence School and the US Army Air Defence School, both in Fort Bliss, Texas, USA. He served in the German Air Force mainly in the Integrated NATO-Air Defence, alternately in commanding and staff positions. From 1992 to his retirement in 1997, he was employed in Home Defence with territorial tasks.
We discussed several issues on him life as senior security officer who are involved with defence issues. “Largely shaped by Germany's role as a trade partner, political relations between the two countries are good and straightforward.,” he has pointed out when I asked about German-Sri Lanka relations.
Here are excerpts from an interview with Lt. Col. Guntar
Q. To introduce you, if anyone asks you, who is Gunter Chasse, from which country is he, and what is his role and status, what would you say?
A. I am a retired Lieutenant Colonel with nearly 40 years of military service, mainly employed in NATO Integrated Air Defence. With this background I founded the Institute of Invincible Defence, Germany, whose director I am. I am also a member of the International Advisory Board of the Center for Advanced Military Science of the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy, USA.
With more than 30 years experience with Invincible Defence Technology (IDT) in theory and practice I can state that IDT provides the opportunity to make the nation invincible. IDT prevents the birth of an enemy so that fighting is not necessary anymore. This makes the nation invincible
I am a teacher of Transcendental Meditation, which is the key technology of the Invincible Defence Technology. I travelled in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, Sri Lanka, South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand lecturing about Maharishi’s Vedic System of Defence.
Q. Can you describe the main challenges and difficulties you faced as a military officer in the battlefields?
A.I served in NATO Integrated Air Defence during the Cold War with its dangerous East-West confrontation. At this time of high political and military tension in Europe and in the divided Germany, it was a great challenge for me to know that even with the successful engagement of the first enemy air crafts the war could not have been avoided. It was obvious that defence had to begin much earlier. It was necessary to change the enemy’s hostile intention into friendly behavior so that the danger is averted before it arises.
I was looking into alternative defence programs and found out that through the Invincible Defence Technology it is possible to prevent the outbreak of hostilities and war. IDT is rooted in the ancient Vedic Technology of Defence, the group practice of Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying. Scientists see its basis in the latest discovery of quantum physics – the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature. We can call the IDT an ancient and yet an ultra-modern Technology of Defence whose effect lies in the field of consciousness.
Q. Did you use special tactics to defeat enemies?
A. NATO’s special strategy and tactics to defeat enemies were deterrence by means of highly sophisticated destructive military power and the readiness to use it when necessary. This created threat, fear and even more enmity and was actually counterproductive to peace and defence. The great military potential was in reality a sign of weakness and a lack of power.
It is not the weapons that save the country but the strength and coherence of an integrated national consciousness. Such a strong and indomitable national consciousness can be achieved by a group of soldiers – the square root of one percent of the population is enough – which are trained in the Invincible Defence Technology and practice it together as a new kind of exercise. This is the superior tactics to prevent the war from the level of silence. Real power lies in the ability to prevent the birth of an enemy.
Q. Air strikes on enemy territories cause more casualties. There are some allegations against the Sri Lankan Air Force that they hurt civilians trapped in enemy-held areas. Same things happen in Iraq. How do you protect civilians, while targeting enemies?
A. To protect the civilians it is necessary to target the enmity instead of the enemy and to change the enemy into a friend. When a group of Yogic Flyers practices the Invincible Defence Technology the terrorists are bathed in the harmony of the Unified Field and are just coming back to friendly and life supporting behavior. The Yogic Flyers enliven peace from the level of silence which is a field of transcendental consciousness. They neutralize any oncoming danger with the mighty power of the Unified Field. They purify the collective consciousness so that no violence, terrorism and war will be possible. They use the mechanics of transformation to change negative trends into positive tendencies.
As a result the need for air strikes will never arise and casualties among the civilians will not occur anymore.
Q. You have been to Sri Lanka many years ago. What do you think people in Sri Lanka and their customs etc.
A. I was overwhelmed by the natural beauty of Sri Lanka, the Pearl of the Indian Ocean. I have met wonderful people of different ethnic backgrounds and religions, among them Buddhist monks, Christians and Muslims who practiced Transcendental Meditation. I could witness their sorrows about the ethnic conflicts and violence in Sri Lanka. All people I met had a deep understanding for Transcendental Meditation. I have learned that Sri Lanka has also some roots in the Vedic tradition.
Q. What is your reading on terrorism?
A.The charter of UNESCO states in its preamble that wars begin in the mind of men and that therefore peace must be defended also in the mind of men. Why do violence, terrorism and wars break out? They break out due to the accumulation of stress and tension in consciousness and the nervous system of the people. If stress exceeds a certain level it must erupt. The result will be aggression, violence and terrorism and eventually war. It is not because of ethnic, religious or social differences that groups or nations fight each other. Rather it is stress fighting stress.
Group practice of Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying effectively removes collective stress – the breeding ground for terrorism - and develops friendliness, cordiality, and love. IDT purifies the human consciousness and nervous system and enables the individual and the nation as a whole to spontaneously think and act in a cordial and peaceful way. The causes of violence, crime, terrorism, and war are eliminated at their roots. Every nation should have a permanent group of Yogic Flyers to bring lasting peace to the family of nations.
Q. As a senior German military officer, what do you think of the current political and military developments in Sri Lanka?
A. Sri Lanka is a progressive and modern industrial country with a multi-religious and multi-ethnic society. It is so easy for the armed forces of Sri Lanka to implement the Invincible Defence Technology. Sri Lanka with its population of little over 20 million people needs only about 500 Yogic Flyers which practice daily Yogic Flying together in a group. The rest of the armed forces can continue with its normal duty. The group of Yogic Flyers will ensure that unity is growing in the awareness of the nation and differences in religion, culture, language and political opinions will no longer dominate.
The unique effectiveness of the Invincible Defense Technology in preventing social violence, terrorism, and war has been confirmed by more than 50 demonstrations and 23 scientific studies. They showed that war deaths dropped by 76% (Lebanon 1983), that crime, traffic accidents, fires, and other indicators of social stress decreased significantly. Other studies showed a decrease of war-related fatalities by 71%, war-related injuries fell by 68%, the level of conflict dropped by 48% and cooperation among antagonists increased by 66%. During a National Demonstration Project conducted in Washington, D.C., in 1993, violent crime dropped by 23%.
So with IDT Sri Lanka will become a light house of peace and enjoy unity in diversity and diversity in unity.
Q. In an interview you say ‘no armed force today is able to protect the nation if the enemy really wants to strike.... In the last 3,000 years, [there have been] over 9,000 peace treaties, and each one lasted on average no longer than 8 years.... Therefore military means and diplomacy [are] not a means to ensure protection of a nation and lasting peace…’ But there is a different perspective view of the Sri Lankan conflict. Now the Tamil Tiger rebels are being finished off. They are reportedly losing on all fronts. Do you think your previous comment is applicable to the conflict in Sri Lanka?
A. Today, every nation is vulnerable. Not even the strongest military power in the world, the USA, could prevent this terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. Conventional military approaches are increasingly powerless to protect a nation against terrorist attack, against new destructive technologies, or against missiles with pinpoint accuracy.
According to recent research, traditional approaches to defence fail because they do not address the underlying cause of violence and conflict: they do not relieve the acute political, ethnic, and religious tensions that fuel terrorism and conflict. IDT offers an effective means to eliminate these deep-seated tensions—a proven approach that can safeguard a nation against violence and promote peace and prosperity in the world.
I am not so much familiar with the situation in Sri Lanka. With military force, diplomacy and treaties you may calm down the situation on the surface and bring a temporary relief. But it is just a matter of time until collective stress increases and terrorism starts again. As long as the root cause is not dissolved, as long invincibility is not gained there will be no lasting peace.
Q. What is your assessment on the “war on terror” as a senior military official and later a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation programme?
A. The “war on terror” has been a failure. What is necessary is the immediate establishment of large national groups of peace-creating experts in every country practicing IDT which has given scientific evidence to neutralize acute ethnic, political, and religious tensions that fuel violence, terrorism, and social conflict. By defusing tensions and neutralizing animosity, this field-tested approach will immediately defuse enmity in a potential adversary. It will create coherent and harmonious national consciousness and a peaceful and cooperative global environment and will ensure lasting peace, security, and economic stability at home and in the family of nations.
The extensive body of scientific research makes the IDT the most thoroughly tested and rigorously established technology for a successful “war on terror”.
Q. I know we face many difficulties when we think about this subject (Transcendental Meditation programme). I would be happy if you can explain the programme in briefly?
A. The Transcendental Meditation Technique is a simple, natural, effortless procedure practiced 20 minutes twice each day while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. It’s not a religion or philosophy, and involves no change in lifestyle. It’s the most widely practiced, most researched, and most effective method of self-development. The technique is distinguished by its naturalness, effortlessness and profound effectiveness.
The Transcendental Meditation technique is based on the ancient Vedic tradition of enlightenment in India. This knowledge has been handed down by Vedic masters from generation to generation for thousands of years. About 50 years ago, Maharishi — the representative in our age of the Vedic tradition — introduced Transcendental Meditation to the world, restoring the knowledge and experience of higher states of consciousness at this critical time for humanity.
Q. What is view about German-Sri Lanka relations?
A. Largely shaped by Germany's role as a trade partner, political relations between the two countries are good and straightforward. Germany is engaged in a variety of ways in Sri Lanka (cultural institute, political foundations, German Archaeological Institute, German Academic Exchange Service, the South Asia Institute, friendship societies) and is respected and valued as a reliable partner. Germany is traditionally one of Sri Lanka's most important partners in the tourist industry. Alongside language courses, a Goethe Institute in Colombo runs a multifaceted cultural programme and provides a mediatheque with a good assortment of German books, CDs and feature films.-Sri Lanka Guardian
This is a wonderful, wonderful article that brings hope for real and lasting peace in our world for the first time in recorded history! Thank you so much to the Sri Lanka Guardian for posting it and thank you, thank you to Lt. Col. Gunter Chasse for his dedication, service and vision.
Great article on a bright new technology for the new millenium.
Great article by men with vision and insight!
I've been practicing Transcendental Meditation for some years, and based on my experience, I like to think of it like this: During TM, the mind settles down to the source of thought, which is a field of pure awareness. That silent, transcendental, holistic experience has been described by the great minds of all civilizations, from ancient Vedic seers to Taoist masters, from Greek philosophers to Christian saints, from Thoreau to Mother Teresa. It is a universal experience which connects all beings. It is also the unified field of natural law at the basis of creation. Hence it has a measurable 'field effect' capable of calming violence and radiating peace in the environment.
There are a few cranks who still believe this sort of thing. They also claim to be able to fly around using transcendental meditation. This claim of 76% drop in crime is not corroborated by the police in Washington. The yogic flyers also collect donations and lots of money
Peace before war! That's what we all want. TM is the key. I have been doing it for years and no what a soothing and calming influence it can have. It removes stress form the individual and brings peace to the environment. All the research supports the claims. Thanks for the great article.
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