Goodbye Sun God !

(April 20, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) In this photographs released by the Sri Lankan military April 20, 2009 shows what the army says are thousands of people fleeing an area held controlled by the Tamil Tiger separatists in northeastern Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka on Monday gave the Tamil Tigers 24 hours to surrender or die after troops breached a huge earthen defence and unleashed an exodus of tens of thousands of civilians held there by the rebels, the military said. (Picture Courtesy: Reuters)

-Sri Lanka Guardian
Sriiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said...

This is history. We have to preserve these photographs for the future children who would study history of Tamils. Tamils never in the history had suffered like this. LTTE would try to manipulate the story in their favor tomorrow.

My 22-year old son had asked me today as to why India sent IPKF to kill Tamils in Sri Lanka. This is what he had been told by his Tamil university friends. I had to explain him as what really happened and how a golden opportunity was missed by the Tamils and messed up by the Sun God.