(April 06, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Tamil Tiger supremo Velupillai Prabhakaran is still deeply committed to the freedom struggle, his key aide B Nadesan has been quoted as saying.
He said the LTTE is agreeable to a solution on the basis of Tamil proposals presented at the 1985 peace talks in Bhutanese capital Thimphu.
In an interview to Indian Tamil daily Janasakthi, Nadesan said the Tiger chief is tackling the crisis with self-confdence and greater resolve.
Nadesan also said he believed the Tamil Nadu voters would deliver their right verdict to India's Congress-led alliance in the upcoming parliamentary elections.
He condemned the detention of Tamil editor Vithyatharan and alleged that the Colombo government had suppressed the media from reporting what he called the real situation about the Vanni conflict.
Nadesan said the Tiger leader has great affection and respect for the brotherly people of Indian state of Tamil Nadu."The people of Tamil Nadu are our greatest strength."
Nadesan regretted that the central Indian government was ignoring the plight of civlians in conflict-hit areas and was failing to take what he called a just decision to end their suffering.-Sri Lanka Guardian
Nadesasn, why 1985 Timpu proposals..Ask the SL forces to get back to the positions before Mavil Aru..You guys are a shame to humanity still dreamimg in Wonderland..Better eat the cynide food & vanish, to relieve all Tamil Brethern.
So this dummy is waiting for another country to have an election and elect some idiot to come and save these murderers.In the meantime hundreds are dying on both sides. Just wonder what god had in mind when these jackasses were created.
Is he being funny..?
huh Thimpu! This is exactly what they rejected. No way man! Now thimpu is out. North and East will function separately!
and my leader is crazy too but this the last chance i can make my money their for i can not spell it out
by the way
now we can have a new Pazh(L)a
addy maale ady adythaal thambyumm
What is he trying to say? By emphasizing People of Tamil Nadu is our greatest strength, does he means that Tamil Nadu also should embark on sections policy to get away from Indian Government. Where is the end? Tamil Nadu with 65 million people also should start disintegrating to different cultures and ethnicity to the whims and fancies of few politicians. How does he want the 2 million Tamils in Sri Lanka to separate, where majority of them live among the others in harmony?
An ordinary criminal who killed Former Mayor Alfred Durappa now calling himself as a hero. Where is the reality? The Tamils who used this conflict created by them managed to get into several western countries en-masse. Some of them know they never ever would have got into these countries flouting their generous laws this way. Because of that they sympathies and fund this cruel movement. But did the average Tamil get better with this agitation? It created matters worse for both Sinhalese and Tamils.
Dear NADA don't cry man dont be Potu....... ha ha ha... im sorry man ..... now finished our part no mor eelam. & pls ready to die...... bye
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