ICRC employee killed in conflict zone

(May 13, Jaffna, Sri Lanka Guardian) An ICRC employee identified as Majuran Sivakurunathan was killed this afternoon in a shell attack in the conflict zone in Mullaitivu, an ICRC spokesperson said.

His mother too was killed in the same attack.

Meanwhile the ICRC chartered ship “Green Ocean” carrying 25 metric tons of food which left for the confloict zone this morning remains anchored off the seas of Mullaithivu due to heavy fighting in the area.

The ship had to turn back on Tuesday without unloading the goods due to a similar situation.

The ICRC said in a statement on Tuesday that the lack of security forced their ferry to stay offshore for the entire day , only kilometres from the conflict area and as night approached, it had to sail back to its base further south in Pulmoddai.
-Sri Lanka Guardian