by M.L.A.N Ismail and Harshi C. Perera
(November 26, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Dissanayake Mudiyanselage Mallika is a 43 years old mother. The 11 years old Nimanka Jayamini is her only child. She is a year 6 student at Hambanthota St Mary National School.
On 21.10.2010 during the 7th period there was no teachers in her class and year six B. At that time a school boy named Nasad was injured due to collusion with an S lone pipe. Because of this incident without an inquiry the principal named Chandrasiri Palliyaguru called Mallika’s daughter and assaulted her ears, head using his hands and also lashed her using the rod mercilessly.
He further punished her by ordering to stand behind the Elmira in the office. At that time all the students and teachers left the school. My husband brought the child home 1.45 in the evening. Mallika gave panadol to her daughter because she seemed to be there with difficult.
Around 2.30 in the evening Mallika took a phone call to the principal by her hand phone and asked why he had assaulted her daughter. The he blamed her.
On 25.10.2010 She sent her child to the school. Mallika too have gone to the school 10.15 in the morning. At that principal Chandrasiri Palliyaguru was not in the school. So she asked about the incident from the vice principal named Lalitha Malani Jayalath. She blamed Mallika and chased her away.
At that time the teacher named Nadeera Nanayakkara came there. He too tried to assault Mallika and chased her away. After that Mallika again came to the school with her husband asked for permission to take her daughter home. The vice principal refused to allow the child go home but later told the parents to sing the log entry and take the child home. At that moment male teacher named Nadeera Nanayakkara again tried to assault Mallika.
Mallika’s husband asked this male teacher whether he was not being ashamed to hit a woman. A policeman too arrived blamed both Mallika and her husband. He too told them to take the child home by sign the log entry. So Mallika signed it and took the child home.
When the parents had taken the child the vice principal said if you go and complain to the zonal education it would be good not send the child to school again because the staff may not give their attention to the child. The said male teacher again threatened them saying if you would go to the zonal education then you may done the biggest error.
Mallika urged the authorities to take legal actions against the perpetrators including the principal Chandrasiri Palliyaguru, the vice principal Lalitha Malani Jayalath and the male teacher Nadeera Nanayakkara who attached to the St Mary school in Habanthota for inhuman physical and mental torture and also violated her daughter’s fundamental right to education.

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