The way I supported was also wrong- Sarath Silva

( January 25, 2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) The former Chief Justice Sarath Nanda Silva in an interview to a weekend newspaper has stated the method utilized by the government to remove the 43rd Chief Justice of Sri Lanka, Shirani Bandaranayake , is wrong.

He was one of the individuals who expressed his views in favour of the government during the impeachment of Shirani Bandaranayake.

When he was questioned if he was displeased with the situation that the former Chief Justice had to undergo, as many found it displeasing, he has stated that though he does not approve of the method utilized by Shirani Bandaranayake when facing the situation, he is against the method used to remove her as well.

He has mentioned that he told the President Mahinda Rajapaksa to provide her with a period to resign and appoint an acting chief justice .However the President has not accepted his suggestion. As it was believed that she will go to Geneva if she remained in the post led to the immediate removal, he has said.

He was also questioned regarding the independence of the island’s judicial system and in his response he has stated that the 17th amendment was introduced to achieve the independence of the judiciary.However even today a promotion can only be expected through the President Mahinda Rajapaksa, which does not depict any independence, he has added.

He has further stated that J.R Jayawardena also gave appointments, however the situation was not such then. The current situation is dangerous and unusual, he said. He who added that not only justice must be served it should be clear that the justice is being served, said that the issue is the latter not being visible.